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Azzera filtri

creating a line cursor in app designer

16 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
David il 30 Apr 2023
Modificato: Adam Danz il 15 Mag 2023
assume I create a signal and show it over an UIiAxes in matlab app designer.
is there a way to create a retangle cursor or line cursor using the imaged.roi.rectangle object / imaged.roi.rectangle object ?
something like the next function:
a full code is needed, if is possible.
  2 Commenti
Adam Danz
Adam Danz il 1 Mag 2023
Could you elaborate on what you mean by cursor? Would the line/rectangle follow the mouse cursor?
David il 1 Mag 2023
Yes, If we use rectangle, i want that only the vertical lines would be dragged after the mouse ). The same for 2 lines objects.

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Risposte (1)

Sachin il 12 Mag 2023
I understand that you want to create a line cursor for an app designer.
You can use the Callback function in MATLAB to achieve this. There are several callback functions in MATLAB uifigure that you can help you.
  1. WindorButtonMotionFcn – This callback function executes whenever the user moves the pointer within the UI figure.
  2. ButtonDownfcn - This callback executes whenever the user clicks on the mouse button
fig = uifigure();
gl = uigridlayout(fig,[2 2]);
ax = uiaxes(gl);
hline = line(ax, [5 5], ax.YLim, 'Color', 'r');
fig.WindowButtonMotionFcn = @(fig, eve) btnCb(fig, eve, ax, hline);
function btnCb(~, ~, ax_up, l_h)
x = ax_up.CurrentPoint(1, 1)
if (ax_up.XLim(1) < x) && (x < ax_up.XLim(2))
l_h.XData = [x,x];
Referring to this MATLAB Answer page might be helpful to you:
Hope this helps you


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