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Discreate Integration in HDL coder for FPGA

4 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Hello Dear all, I working on FPGA based controller which uses MATLAB/HDL blocks only. I want to make a integrator and applied many logic for same but unfortunately i did not get proper output. could you suggest some alternative for Integrator. I need proper output. Although it is working in simulation fine. Tfpga=50ns

Risposta accettata

Daichi il 18 Mag 2023
Hi Sanjay,
Thank you for posting your question.
I think your design looks good, so I implement integrater like your design, and it looks work well.
I will attach some candidates, please check them.
Option 1:
You can use "Discrete-Time integrator" block, this block also generate HDL.
I consider this way is simplest.
Option 2:
I implemented like your design, it looks work well.
Option 3:
you can use Simpson's low to implement integral like that.
Anyway, they looks good precision.
If you have to use fixed point, you can use fixed-point designer to adjast value range.
Best regard,

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