- YOLOv4:
- Network architecture: YOLOv4
- Input size: Typically, YOLOv4 uses an input size of 416x416 or 608x608 pixels. You can experiment with different sizes to find the optimal balance between speed and accuracy.
- Number of anchor boxes: YOLOv4 typically uses three anchor boxes per scale.
- Solver name: YOLOv4 uses the Darknet framework.
- Epochs: . You can start with a reasonable number, such as 100 epochs, and monitor the loss and performance metrics during training to determine if more epochs are necessary.
- Minibatch size: YOLOv4 often uses a minibatch size of 64 or 128. However, this can vary depending on your hardware resources and memory constraints.
- Network: You can use the TensorFlow or PyTorch framework.
- Input size: Faster R-CNN typically works well with input sizes of 600x600 or 800x800 pixels.
- Anchor boxes: Faster R-CNN utilizes predefined anchor boxes of different scales and aspect ratios. You can experiment with anchor configurations based on the characteristics of your dataset.
- Solver: For Faster R-CNN, you can use the stochastic gradient descent (SGD) optimizer with a learning rate of 0.001.
- Epochs: Start with around 100 epochs and observe the model's performance. Adjust the number of epochs as needed.
- Minibatch size: A common minibatch size for Faster R-CNN is 16.
- Network: You can use the TensorFlow or PyTorch framework, which both have SSD implementations available.
- Input size: SSD works well with input sizes of 300x300 or 512x512 pixels.
- Anchor boxes: SSD employs default anchor boxes at various scales and aspect ratios. Common configurations include using multiple feature maps to generate anchors with different scales and aspect ratios.
- Solver: Similar to Faster R-CNN, you can use the stochastic gradient descent (SGD) optimizer with a learning rate of 0.001.
- Epochs: Start with around 100 epochs and adjust as needed based on the performance of the model.
- Minibatch size: A common minibatch size for SSD is 32.