How to calculate wavenumber, for fft2 of a 2D array?
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Jay Ghosh
il 27 Mag 2023
Commentato: Hiro Yoshino
il 14 Giu 2023
I have perfomed fft2 on an image/2D-array (361x211). When I plot the result, using imagesc, I would like to label the axes with wavenumbers. However, for the fft2 output, I do not know how to calculate the wavenumbers (I commented out my this part of my code). Is it related to the image resolution (dpi)?
My code and output plots (amplitude and phase) are attached below. Thanks!
data = load ('86tr.txt'); % load xyz file
x = data(:,1); % longitude
y = data(:,2); % latitude
z = data(:,3); % anomaly (nano Tesla)
% Find the size (row,col) of the xyz file
row = length(unique(x));
col = length(unique(y));
% Reshape and transpose z values to get correct data orientaion
zm = reshape(z,row,col);
zm = fliplr(zm);
zm = zm';
% Perform fft2 on z-values (nT)
fft2_zm = fftshift(log(abs(fft2(zm)))); % amplitude
% phase_zm = angle(fftshift(fft2(zm))); % phase
% % Calculate wavenumbers
% Nc = col; Nr = row;
% dp = 1/300; % dpi = 300?
% kx = (-Nr/2:Nr/2-1)/(Nr*dp);
% ky = (-Nc/2:Nc/2-1)/(Nc*dp);
imagesc(fft2_zm); colorbar;
6 Commenti
Star Strider
il 28 Mag 2023
The spatial frequency would be in terms of . I am not certain that it would be possible to expres anything about your data in terms of wavenumber.
I deleted my Answer because it became obvious to me that it was not going to provide the result you want, essentially because I am not certain that is possible.
Risposta accettata
Hiro Yoshino
il 27 Mag 2023
We use "normalized frequency" with FFT and this is a linear transformation between the time space and the frequency space. So the number of points along the x-axis and the y-axis corresponds to the wavenumber.
<< This is what I called "normalized frequency".
If you ask me, I would rewrite your code as follows:
data = load ('86tr.txt'); % load xyz file
x = data(:,1); % longitude
y = data(:,2); % latitude
z = data(:,3); % anomaly (nano Tesla)
% Find the size (row,col) of the xyz file
row = length(unique(x));
col = length(unique(y));
% Reshape and transpose z values to get correct data orientaion
zm = reshape(z,row,col);
zm = fliplr(zm);
zm = zm';
% Perform fft2 on z-values (nT)
fft2_zm = fftshift(log(abs(fft2(zm)))); % amplitude
% phase_zm = angle(fftshift(fft2(zm))); % phase
% % Calculate wavenumbers
% Nc = col; Nr = row;
% dp = 1/300; % dpi = 300?
% kx = (-Nr/2:Nr/2-1)/(Nr*dp);
% ky = (-Nc/2:Nc/2-1)/(Nc*dp);
%imagesc(fft2_zm); colorbar;
x_axis = linspace(-pi,pi,size(fft2_zm,1));
y_axis = linspace(-pi,pi,size(fft2_zm,2));
ax = gca;
ax.XTick = [-pi, -pi/2, 0, pi/2, pi];
ax.YTick = [-pi, -pi/2, 0, pi/2, pi];
ax.XTickLabel = {"-\pi", "-\pi/2", "0","\pi/2", "/pi"};
ax.YTickLabel = {"-\pi", "-\pi/2", "0","\pi/2", "/pi"};
8 Commenti
Hiro Yoshino
il 14 Giu 2023
The power spectrum we got is typical. We often see the highest power at lower frequencies.
Unless we have specific high frequencies in the data, we normally observe similar powe spectrums.
The energy at 0 frequency corresponds to the bias. So you can remove it by subtracting the mean value from the data.
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