How to calculate FWHM on the graph

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Dear All,
I have graph attached.
Anyone can help me to calculate the FWHM based on my graph attached?

Risposta accettata

Star Strider
Star Strider il 18 Giu 2023
Try this —
LD1 = load('xstats.mat');
xstats = LD1.xstats
xstats = struct with fields:
min: 0 max: 24.3294 mean: 12.1647 median: 12.1647 mode: 0 std: 7.4434 range: 24.3294
LD2 = load('ystats.mat');
ystats = LD2.ystats
ystats = struct with fields:
min: 496 max: 3189 mean: 1.3102e+03 median: 857 mode: 498 std: 933.9319 range: 2693
F = openfig('graph.fig');
Lines = findobj(F, 'Type','Line');
x = Lines.XData;
y = Lines.YData;
wx = fwhm(x,y)
Pulse Polarity = Positive Pulse is Impulse or Rectangular with 2 edges
wx = 8.0080
[wm,xr,hm] = myFWHM(x,y)
wm = 6.9718
xr = 1×2
9.0430 16.0148
hm = 1.3460e+03
[ymax,idx] = max(y);
ymin = min(y);
plot(x, y)
hold on
plot(xr, [1 1]*hm+ymin, '.-r')
hold off
text(x(idx), hm+ymin, sprintf('FWHM = %.3f',wm), 'Horiz','center', 'Vert','bottom')
% ylim([min(y) max(y)])
function [width,xr,hm] = myFWHM(x, y)
p1 = polyfit(x([1 end]), y([1 end]), 1);
y_dtrnd = y - polyval(p1,x);
[ymax,yidx] = max(y_dtrnd);
[ymin,xidx] = min(y_dtrnd);
idxrng = {1:yidx; yidx:numel(y)};
hm = (ymax-ymin)/2;
xr(1) = interp1(y_dtrnd(idxrng{1})-ymin, x(idxrng{1}), hm, 'linear');
xr(2) = interp1(y_dtrnd(idxrng{2})-ymin, x(idxrng{2}), hm, 'linear');
width = xr(2)-xr(1);
The .mat files do not appear to add any useful information. The ‘fwhm’ function does not appear to correct forr a non-zero baseline.
  2 Commenti
mohd akmal masud
mohd akmal masud il 19 Giu 2023
tahnk you @Star Strider, I think the FWHM =6.972 is correct.
But what is the meaning of value below:
wx = 8.0080
wm = 6.9718
xr = 1×2
9.0430 16.0148
hm = 1.3460e+03
Star Strider
Star Strider il 19 Giu 2023
The ‘wx’ value is the width that the ‘fwhm’ function calculates. It calculates from zero, not from the function minimum.
For the others, ‘wm’ is the width (FWHM) my function calculates, ‘xr’ are the width points it returns (the difference between them is ‘xm’), and ‘hm’ is the half-maximum value my function returns. (I use them in the plot and the text arguments.) My function uses the funciton minnimum, rather than zero, to calculate all the necessary values. The title of your Question refers to ‘on the graph’ so I assume you want them all plotted. I presented all of the necessary information on the plot.
I still do not know what ‘xstats’ and ‘ystats’ refer to, however my earlier Answer calculated the widths with respect to ‘cx’ and ‘cy’ as well as the figure data.

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