Do i need to add a LUT-lookup table along with the hdlNCO block to perform a frequency shifting. if yes, please give clear guidance with the blocks and passing parameters
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I studied and tried up with applying "LUT-look up table". I dont know it is using a LUT is correct or not for the process, according the MATLAB script of frequency shifting, i have to develop the verilog HDL code by simulating the blocks inorder to generate a reconfigurable IP core, so i have to deal with the fixedpoint values during the simulation
fs_shift1 = 4;% shifting the LTE carrier in the large frequency spectrum
fs_u = 491.52;% highest sampling rate obtained for transmission in MHz
Reverse_NCO_out_20 = combined_carrier_shifted_20.*exp(-1i*2*pi*fs_shift1/fs_u*(1:length(combined_carrier_shifted_20)));
the length of "combined_carrier_shifted_20" is multiplied with phase, so in that case do we have to add a LUT? i dont know.
im in the around the corner of submission of my undergraduate project and as im an undergraduate, have lack of knowledge about the MATLAB and not interacted much with it, not aware of advance things in MATALB because started use it for the final year project only. Its difficult to get good practice and knowledge within a short period with those high technical base documents available in matlab and cources are too expensive. So, kindly request you to consider and i would be much more grateful to you
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Bharath Venkataraman
il 27 Lug 2023
Kranti has answered this question in this post. Please take a look at that answer where he points to the Coarse Frequency Compensator subsystem in the QPSK Receiver example.
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