Nonlinear Regression using a gaussian in a lattice

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I have a system of equations where the relationship between input and output is derived from a pixel lattice:
where and stand for the distance between row and column of pixel i and j
In matrix form, this results in
where, for example, for a 3x3 lattice, A is:
I need to find α and σ for known x(0) and x(K) vectors that solve the linear system in K steps. This is, perform this linear regression:
K can be one (single time step - if possible or more than one timesteps)
I thought about applying some natural logarithms or use lsqn fucntion, but it is not straightforward. Any ideas?
  2 Commenti
Torsten il 17 Ago 2023
Modificato: Torsten il 17 Ago 2023
Shouldn't the regression be
x(K) = alpha^K * A^K * x(0)
Thus @Star Strider 's code should be changed to
syms a sigma
K = 3; % e.g.
dr = sym('dr',[3 3]);
dc = sym('dc',[3 3]);
A = exp((dr.^2+dc.^2)./(2*sigma^2));
A = a^K * A^K;
... etc
L il 18 Ago 2023
Hi.. thanks for you remark. You are correcT!

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Star Strider
Star Strider il 17 Ago 2023
One approach (using smaller matrices for efficiency and to demonstrate and test the code) —
syms a sigma
dr = sym('dr',[3 3]);
dc = sym('dc',[3 3]);
A = exp((dr.^2+dc.^2)./(2*sigma^2));
A = A.*a
A = 
Afcn = matlabFunction(A, 'Vars',{a,sigma,[dr],[dc]}) % 'dr' = 'in3', 'dc' = 'in4'
Afcn = function_handle with value:
dr = rand(3) % Provide The Actual Matrix
dr = 3×3
0.6108 0.6612 0.5732 0.4048 0.9912 0.1329 0.8820 0.9308 0.6280
dc = rand(3) % Provide The Actual Matrix
dc = 3×3
0.4187 0.9831 0.8027 0.0961 0.5272 0.7765 0.5988 0.7329 0.0857
x = randn(3,1) % Provide The Actual Vector
x = 3×1
0.2330 -0.4001 -0.6323
LHS = randn(3,1) % Provide The Actual Vector
LHS = 3×1
0.3999 0.0783 0.0984
B0 = rand(2,1);
B = lsqcurvefit(@(b,x)Afcn(b(1),b(2),dr,dc)*x, B0, x, LHS)
Local minimum possible. lsqcurvefit stopped because the final change in the sum of squares relative to its initial value is less than the value of the function tolerance.
B = 2×1
-0.0047 0.3826
fprintf('\ta = %8.4f\n\tsigma = %8.4f\n',B)
a = -0.0047 sigma = 0.3826
To create the (9x9) matrix, use:
dr = sym('dr',[9 9]);
dc = sym('dc',[9 9]);
and then the appropriate vectors.
I am not confident that I understand what you want to do, however this should get you started.
See if this works with your ‘x(k)’ and ‘x(k+1)’ (that I call ‘LHS’) vectors and produces the desired result.
  4 Commenti
L il 22 Ago 2023
Hi @Star Strider, is there anyway to also constraint alpha to be positive?
Star Strider
Star Strider il 22 Ago 2023
The lsqcurvefit function permits parameter range bounds. Since ‘alpha’ is the first parameter, the lower bounds would be set to [0 -Inf]. to constrain only ‘alpha’. You can set the upper bounds as well, however it is not necessary if you want to leave them unconstrained.
The revised lsqcurvefit call would then be:
B = lsqcurvefit(@(b,x)Afcn(b(1),b(2),dr,dc)*x, B0, x, LHS, [0 -Inf])
That should work.

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