Create an array with only the increasing values of a pressure time series.

5 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Hi, I'm trying to find a more "elegant" way to create an array using only the increasing values of a time series, so the generated time series will have a positive and increasing slope.
I will appreciate any help, best regards.
clear all,close all;
load DATA;
for i = 1:20; % just a big random number for the if cycle.
if find(diff(a) < 0);
id1 = diff(a);
id1 = find(id1>0);
a = a(id1);,clear id1;
disp('No more decreasing values')
  4 Commenti
Dyuman Joshi
Dyuman Joshi il 29 Set 2023
Why not just sort?
Do you want to find the longest non-continuous sub-array that is strictly increasing?
Cl4udio il 29 Set 2023
Modificato: Cl4udio il 29 Set 2023
Hi, so imagine that you are on a bout/vessel, and you measure the presurre with a sensor that you attach to a line and , you throw that sensor into the ocean, the bout is moving up and down (ocan waves). So you dont want those re-sampled measures of the ocean during time when the pressure is not increasing, when the instrument is going up and not down. So the sensor is also measuring other variables, so im using the increasing pressure data to uderstand the vertical high frecuency of the ocean....sorry if is confussing.
YES, THOSE ARE THE PERFECT WORDS Longest non-continuous sub-array that is strictly increasing, Thanks

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Risposte (3)

Torsten il 29 Set 2023
Modificato: Torsten il 29 Set 2023
I prefer a clean for-loop:
a_monotone(1) = a(1);
for i = 2:numel(a)
if a(i) > a_monotone(end)
a_monotone(end+1) = a(i);
a_monotone(end+1) = a_monotone(end);
hold on
hold off

Voss il 29 Set 2023
load DATA
idx = diff(a) <= 0;
while any(idx)
a([false; idx]) = [];
idx = diff(a) <= 0;

Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE il 29 Set 2023
maybe this ?
I don't see the benefit of removing the negative slope segments , this creates gaps in the signal
was just smoothing or a first order polynomial fit not the best options ?
load DATA;
x = 1:numel(a);
ind_all = [];
val_all = [];
for k = 2:numel(a)
d = a(k) - a(k-1);
if d>0 % keep both y(k) - y(k-1)
ind = [k-1; k];
val = [a(k-1); a(k)];
% store all occurences
ind_all = [ind_all; ind];
val_all = [val_all; val];
% remove duplicates (use ind_all to do this task)
[C,IA,IC] = unique(ind_all);
val_unique_pos = val_all(IA);
  2 Commenti
Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE il 29 Set 2023
if you are not too strict about some points at the edges , you can use a one line code with gradient
differences are minor with previous code
% comparison with gradient
id = find(gradient(a)>0);
Cl4udio il 29 Set 2023
Modificato: Cl4udio il 29 Set 2023
gradient! Look like is the way, dont understand why those green points in the red circlure, those are lower values that the indicaated with the arrows.. Thanks Mathieu! *Gaps are great, all those values that r not in increasing order are removed from the time serie.
notice that
found decreasing values.
, right?

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