Can Matlab read the most recent made file in the default folder?

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Hello, just want to know if Matlab can import the file that is most recent made based on their modified date and time?
I have several Excel files and want it read and do analysis?

Risposta accettata

Jan il 26 Feb 2022
Modificato: Jan il 8 Nov 2022
A summary of the comments:
d = dir('somefolder/*txt');
[~, index] = max([d.datenum]);
youngestFile = fullfile(d(index).folder, d(index).name); % [EDITED], typo fixed
% Thanks, Andres Morales

Più risposte (2)

pfb il 14 Apr 2015
you could get the excel files with
d= dir('*xls');
and then compare the dates. These are in
You probably better convert them to numbers to compare them
dd = zeros(length(d));
for j = 1:length(d)
dd(j) =datenum(d(j).date);
[tmp i]=max(dd);
  5 Commenti
Yan Kai Lai
Yan Kai Lai il 26 Feb 2022
Modificato: Yan Kai Lai il 26 Feb 2022
I used the answer by pfb to read the most recent txt file. To make the answer more complete:
d = dir('somefolder/*txt');
dd = zeros(length(d), 1); % to init as vector instead of square matrix
for j = 1:length(d)
dd(j) = datenum(d(j).date);
[~, i] = max(dd); % tmp is the datenum, which is not necessary
lines = readlines(fullfile(d(i).folder, d(i).name)) % should be d instead of dd.
Stephen23 il 26 Feb 2022
Modificato: Stephen23 il 26 Feb 2022
Converting to DATENUM is not required because the DIR output structure already contains serial date numbers, so that superfluous loop can be simply replaced by this:
dd = [d.datenum];

Accedi per commentare.

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 26 Feb 2022
Modificato: per isakson il 1 Ago 2022

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