Prepare dataset for Neural State Space to be used as StateFcn in nlmpc

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I am trying to use the neural networks using the Neural State Space Models in MATLAB to be used as a state function in nonlinear mpc toolbox. During the training and validation process I want to use normalize data of the dataset to yield a generalizable data. However, I am not sure how to denormalize the data once the training and validation have been conducted. Can anyone one help me with this?
Thank you in advance.
  3 Commenti
Saskia Putri
Saskia Putri il 27 Nov 2023
Attached is the code. I have timetable data with data length of 120,000. 9 Outputs and 3 Inputs.
load TTdata.mat
TDataN = normalize(TTdata);
% Split the data into estimation (first 60000 data points) and validation (remaining data points) portions.
eData = TDataN(1:6e5,:); % portion used for estimation
vData = TDataN(6e5+1:end,:); % portion used for validation
% Downsample the training data. data length (6000)
eDataD = idresamp(eData,[1 100]);
vDataD = idresamp(vData,[1 100]);
%% Model Training
% Designating the input and output signals from the list of variables in the eData timetable.
Inputs = ["Icpl", "Ippl","MVopt"];
Output = ["V0", "Isga", "Isgb", "Iba", "Ibb", "Isca", "Iscb", "Vsca", "Vscb"];
%% Create a neural state-space model by using the idNeuralStateSpace constructor.
% Define a neural state-space model
nx = 9; % number of states = number of outputs
nssModel = idNeuralStateSpace(nx,NumInputs=3);
nssModel.InputName = Inputs;
nssModel.OutputName = Output;
% Configure the state network f()
nssModel.StateNetwork = createMLPNetwork(nssModel,"state", ...
LayerSizes=[128 128], ...
WeightsInitializer="glorot", ...
BiasInitializer="ones", ...
% Next, prepare the data and the training algorithm options.
% The data has already been split, downsampled and normalized.
% You now create multiple data experiments for training by splitting the dataset eDataD into overlapping segments.
% Doing so effectively reduces the prediction horizon from the original data length (6000) to the length of the individual segments.
% This reduction can sometimes lead to more generalizable results.
predictionStep = 20; % length of each data segment
numExperiment = height(eDataD) - predictionStep;
Expts = cell(1, numExperiment);
for i = 1:numExperiment
Expts{i} = eDataD(i:i+predictionStep,:);
if i>1
% set the row time of each segment to be identical; this is a requirement for training a
% neural state-space model with multiple data experiments
Expts{i}.Properties.RowTimes = Expts{1}.Properties.RowTimes;
% Use the nssTrainingOptions command to create the set of training options. Pick Adam as the training solver. Set the maximum number of training epochs and the data interpolation method.
StateOpt = nssTrainingOptions('adam');
StateOpt.MaxEpochs = 300;
% StateOpt.LearnRate =0.001;
% StateOpt.MiniBatchSize = 300;
% Train the neural state-space model
nssModel = nlssest(Expts,nssModel,StateOpt)

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Arkadiy Turevskiy
Arkadiy Turevskiy il 27 Nov 2023
Thanks for posting the code.
To de-normalize the data you need to save mean and standard deviation data used for normalization.
% now train neural state space, use it to predict normalized data PdataN
% using sim
% Now you can "de-normalize"
  5 Commenti
Arkadiy Turevskiy
Arkadiy Turevskiy il 30 Nov 2023
In your case it looks like the outputs (same as states) are the last 9 columns of TTdata, right?
So the bias and standard deviation info you need are in the last 9 columns of C and S in my code snippet in the answer.
Take those and use to denormalize your state derivatives/states/outputs as needed.
% your code to train neural state space model goes here
% you compute state derivatives dxdt1 as in your code above
% Now you can "de-normalize" state derivaties
% The code below assumes TTdata has 12 columns, the first 3 columns are
% inputs, and the last 9 are states/outputs

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