Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

I wrote code on MATLAB to solve Stokes equations using Bramble and Pasciak method but I got strange values of error for pressure p

3 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
%Define problem parameters
mu = 1.0; % viscosity
%f = [1; 0; 1; 2]; % forcing term for velocity
%g = [2; 1]; % forcing term for pressure
%% Mesh creation
h = 0.5; % discretization step
[node,elem] = squaremesh([-1,1,-1,1],h);
Unrecognized function or variable 'squaremesh'.
subplot(1,2,1); showmesh(node,elem);
N = size(node,1);
NTc = size(elem,1);
% Uniform refinement to get a fine grid
[node,elem] = uniformrefine(node,elem);
% Uniform refinement to get a fine grid
subplot(1,2,2); showmesh(node,elem);
%%extract boundary conditions
[Dirichlet, bdFlag] = ExtractBoundaryEdges(elem, node);
%% Load Stokes Data Partial Differential Equations
%Different velocity and pressure equation models
pde = StokesModelMustafaNew;%StokesModelMustafa;%StokesModelMustafaNew;%Stokesdata3;%StokesModelMustafa2;%StokesModelMustafaSin;%;
option.elemType = 'isoP2P0';
option.fquadorder = 3;
tolerance = 1e-3;
max_iterations = 1000;
mesh.node = node;
mesh.elem = elem;
mesh.bdFlag = bdFlag;
%The following line of code is only run to get the eqn (equation structure) easier without defining it every time
[soln,eqn,info] = StokesisoP2P0(node,elem,bdFlag,pde, option);
%% Call the solvers and calulate L2 errors, run time and outcome as well as convergence rate
% [soln,eqn,err,time,solver] = femStokes(mesh,pde,option);
% return
uI = pde.exactu([node; (node(eqn.edge(:,1),:)+node(eqn.edge(:,2),:))/2]);
uI = reshape(uI, [2*length(uI),1]);
pI = pde.exactp([node(elem(:,1),1) node(elem(:,3),2)]);
% Define matrix H
%H = [1 0 0 2; 0 2 1 0; 2 3 1 0; 0 1 0 1];
% Define matrix A
%A = H * H';
% Define matrix B
%B = [1 2 1 0; 0 1 0 0];
% Assemble the finite element system
%[A, B, ~, ~] = assempde(pde,node,elem,'f',f,'g',g,'mu',mu);
% Assemble the Stokes matrix
N = size(eqn.A,1);
M = size(eqn.B,1);
%StokesMatrix = [eqn.A, eqn.B'; eqn.B, sparse(M,M)];
% Define dimensions of eqn.B'
eqn.B_transpose = eqn.B'; % Transpose of eqn.B
% Construct a sparse MxM matrix (adjust M to your desired size)
M = size(eqn.B, 1); % Number of columns in eqn.B (or rows in eqn.B')
sparse_M_M = sparse(M, M);
% Check dimensions of matrices involved in the problematic line
size_eqn.B = size(eqn.B);
size_eqn.A = size(eqn.A);
% Perform the matrix multiplication explicitly and verify dimensions
result = 2 * eqn.B / (eqn.A)* eqn.B_transpose;
size_result = size(result);
% Concatenate eqn.A, eqn.B_transpose, eqn.B, and sparse_M_M
StokesMatrix = [eqn.A, eqn.B_transpose; eqn.B, sparse_M_M];
% Define matrix M
%M = [2*eye(size(eqn.A,1)) 2*(eqn.A)\eqn.B_transpose; eqn.B 2*eqn.B*(eqn.A)\eqn.B_transpose];
M_top = [2 * eye(size(eqn.A, 1)), 2 * (eqn.A\eqn.B_transpose)];
M_bottom = [eqn.B, 2 * eqn.B * (eqn.A \ eqn.B_transpose)];
M = [M_top; M_bottom];
% Define matrix F
F = [2 * eqn.A \ eqn.f; 2 * eqn.B * (eqn.A \ eqn.f) - eqn.g];
% Define the right-hand side
rhs = [eqn.f; eqn.g];
x0 = ones(size(F));
% Solve the Stokes system
solution = StokesMatrix \ rhs;
sol = M \ F;
% Extract the velocity and pressure components from the solution
u = solution(1:N);
p = solution(N+1:end);
% Calculate the residual R
R = F - M * sol;
% Define matrix C
C = [0.5 * eqn.A zeros(size(transpose(eqn.B))); zeros(size(eqn.B)) eye(size(eqn.B,1))];
% Define an appropriate non-zero vector x
[res_conjgrad, iterCg, relresCg, H1ErrUCg, L2ErrPCg, L2ErrGradUandPCg] = conjgradNew3(eqn.A, C,F ,[eqn.f; eqn.g],x0 , max_iterations, tolerance, u, p, h, M);
for i = 1:iterCg
if H1ErrUCg(i) == 0 && i == 1
H1ErrUCg(i) = max(H1ErrUCg);
elseif H1ErrUCg(i) == 0
H1ErrUCg(i) = H1ErrUCg(i-1);
for i = 1:iterCg
if L2ErrPCg(i) == 0 && i == 1
L2ErrPCg(i) = max(L2ErrPCg);
elseif L2ErrPCg(i) == 0
L2ErrPCg(i) = L2ErrPCg(i-1);
for i = 1:iterCg
if L2ErrGradUandPCg(i) == 0 && i == 1
L2ErrGradUandPCg(i) = max(L2ErrGradUandPCg);
elseif L2ErrGradUandPCg(i) == 0
L2ErrGradUandPCg(i) = L2ErrGradUandPCg(i-1);
p = res_conjgrad(size(eqn.A,1)+1:end);
u = res_conjgrad(1:size(eqn.A,1));
time_BPCG_finish = toc;
function [inner_pro] = inner_x_y(C, x,y)
%C = [A 0 ; 0 1]
%(x,y) = (Cx,y) = (Ax_1,y_1) + (x_2,y_2) = transpose(x_1)*A*y_1 +transpose(x_2)*y_2
inner_pro = transpose(y) * C * x;
  17 Commenti
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 13 Gen 2024
You can copy my entire post to your system and test it locally.
I suspect that something you have installed does not match the latest code at
Mostafa Kassoum
Mostafa Kassoum il 23 Gen 2024
I copied your entire post and runned it but I got also a big value of L2 error 11.3255614294248 11.3251245255107
As you can see they are almost equal to the values I obtained previously. Where do you think the mistake is?

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