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Simulink Check Installed and within license but could not see in Apps of Simulink

7 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
I wish to use Model Slicer in Simulink. I have installed Simulink Check AddOn and is within my license. However I cannot see the app in Simulink.

Risposte (1)

Ayush Singh
Ayush Singh il 14 Feb 2024
Modificato: Ayush Singh il 14 Feb 2024
Hi Akshay
As I interpret it you have installed 'Simulink Check' which is a prerequisite for Model Slicer but you are still not able to see it on the apps section.
Since you have already installed Simulink Check, uninstall it and reinstall it to fix this issue.
If you need help installing Simulink Check, refer to our documentation on how to install MathWorks Products:
If above information does not help please run the following code in command window:
license checkout Simulink_Check
If the output comes as '0' it means you do not have the license priviliges to use the application.
In that case you can contact the MathWorks support using the following link:
Hope the above information helps.


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