Plotting experimental data and predictions in one plot in SimBiology Model Analyzer

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Basically what the tiitle says, how can I overplot experimental data and the predictions in one plot in SimBiology Model Analyzer?
I have data correclty imported, fitting and simulation works and can be visualized correctly. But I am failing to overplot data and redictions. Is it possible at all? The manual shows how to Visualize Experimental Data and separately from predictions.
It boils down to the question how to get exterimenta data set into the SETS-RESPONSE table I think. If so, it is not very intuitive how to do it.

Risposte (1)

emjey il 9 Feb 2024
I have the solution. One has to simply click a dataset from the browser and drag on the prediciton plot one wants overplot.


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