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Azzera filtri

Color for pointcloud in occupancyMap3d

5 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
I want to make a 3d map with odometry + pointcloud, and for that im using this example (using pointcloud instead of just points). My robot gives me the pc in pointcloud2 format but i need the pointcloud format, so i just change it by doing
pc = pointCloud(pc_face.readXYZ, 'Color', pc_face.readRGB); %pc_face (pointcloud2)/ pc (pointcloud)
This works, but for some reason, the colors are not working for the pointcloud (photo at the end).
go1_odom = rossubscriber('/tf');
fqGet = 1000; %frequency for getting topics
maxRange = 2;
go1_pc_face = rossubscriber('/camera1/point_cloud_face');
tStartOdom = tic;
[odomTF, status1, statusText1] = receive(go1_odom);
[pc_face, status2, statusText2] = receive(go1_pc_face);
map3D = occupancyMap3D(20);
while 1
[go1_test_msg, status1, statusText1] = receive(go1_odom);
if strcmp(go1_test_msg.Transforms.ChildFrameId, 'trunk')
odomTF = go1_test_msg;
tEndOdom = toc(tStartOdom);
if round(1/tEndOdom) <= fqGet
[pc_face, status2, statusText2] = receive(go1_pc_face);
xPos = odomTF.Transforms.Transform.Translation.X;
yPos = odomTF.Transforms.Transform.Translation.Y;
zPos = odomTF.Transforms.Transform.Translation.Z;
xRot = odomTF.Transforms.Transform.Rotation.X;
yRot = odomTF.Transforms.Transform.Rotation.Y;
zRot = odomTF.Transforms.Transform.Rotation.Z;
wRot = odomTF.Transforms.Transform.Rotation.W;
pose = [ xPos yPos zPos wRot xRot yRot zRot];
points = readXYZ(pc_face);
pc = pointCloud(pc_face.readXYZ, 'Color', pc_face.readRGB);
fprintf('%d HZ\n',round(1/tEndOdom));
tStartOdom = tic;
  4 Commenti
Mann Baidi
Mann Baidi il 19 Feb 2024
Is the image above of "pc"(PointCloud)?
if yes, what is the issue with the color?
Nicolas Jorquera Martinez
Nicolas Jorquera Martinez il 19 Feb 2024
Yes, it's "pc" (PointCloud) cause it gave me an error when I tried to do it with "pc_face" (PointCloud2).
The problem is that the camera captures color (of the surface it's looking at), that information is in the "pc_face" and "pc" variable, but the map doesn't show this colors.
As an example, if the camera sees a red floor I want the map to show a red floor.

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