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Ziegler Nichols PID Method

81 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
LORIS IACOBAN il 1 Mar 2024
Risposto: Sam Chak il 18 Mag 2024
I have a problem ,this is my G(s)=59000/(s^2+59000)
I want to apply the tangent method of Ziegler-Nichols, but my step is a sinusoid undumped. How I can approximate my G(s) to apply this method? Thanks very much.
  5 Commenti
Fani il 17 Mag 2024
Spostato: Sam Chak il 18 Mag 2024
kontrol servo berdasarkan pembaacan suhu dimana degan target setpoin suhu 63
Fani il 17 Mag 2024
Spostato: Sam Chak il 18 Mag 2024
make a Ziegler nicho 1 pid tuning or s curve where to set the servo to find the set poi temperature which is 63, the pid output on the servo is to control the temperature so that it is stable at 63 degrees

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Risposte (1)

Sam Chak
Sam Chak il 18 Mag 2024
I revisit your problem. I'm unsure if you are looking for something like this:
%% original system (marginally stable)
a = 59000;
G = tf(a, [1, 0, a])
G = 59000 ----------- s^2 + 59000 Continuous-time transfer function.
%% stabilizer
Kd = 2*sqrt(a)/a;
Gc = pid(0, 0, Kd);
%% closed-loop system (exponentially-stabilized dynamic process)
Gcl = feedback(G, Gc)
Gcl = 59000 --------------------- s^2 + 485.8 s + 59000 Continuous-time transfer function.
tfin= 0.04;
step(Gcl, tfin), grid on
hold on
t = 0:1e-5:tfin;
sol = @(t) exp(-10*sqrt(590)*t).*(exp(10*sqrt(590)*t) - 10*sqrt(590)*t - 1);
m = 89.3576; % max slope
tm = 0.00411693; % time where max slope is
c = - (m*tm - sol(tm)); % offset
y = m*t + c; % line equation
td = 0.00116027; % time delay
plot(t, y)
xline(td, '-.', sprintf('Dead Time: %.5f sec', td), 'color', '#7F7F7F')
ylim([-0.2, 1.2])
hold off

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