Printing sentences using cell arrays

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Spaceman il 14 Apr 2024
Commentato: Spaceman il 24 Apr 2024
Given: 3 names, 3 verbs, 3 nouns; how to initalize a cell array.
Find: I need to print random elements from each of the above terms in a cell array to make a sentence.
Issue: I can initialize the cell arrays, (I think), but I am struggling to print the sentences in the command window...
My Solution: I initialize a cell array of 1 row and 3 columns, but I'm struggling to figure out how to randomize and print them.
% I tried creating a variable rand, and stating rand=rand(C(Names, Verbs,
% Nouns)) such that it filled the empty cell array with random elements
% from the names, verbs, and nouns and got the error !!!Unable to use a value of type cell as an index.
% I'd then I think use the fprintf function to display the value of C?

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Hassaan il 14 Apr 2024
Modificato: Hassaan il 14 Apr 2024
% Define cell arrays
Names = {'Harry', 'Xavier', 'Sue'};
Verbs = {'loves', 'eats', 'throws'};
Nouns = {'baseballs', 'rocks', 'pizza'};
% Generate and print a random sentence
fprintf('%s %s %s.\n', Names{randi(numel(Names))}, Verbs{randi(numel(Verbs))}, Nouns{randi(numel(Nouns))});
Harry loves pizza.
@Kyle Weaver By accessing the cell array elements directly in the fprintf statement, you can reduce the overhead of temporary variables.
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  9 Commenti
Voss il 15 Apr 2024
You can also use ctrl+] or ctrl+[ to increase or decrease, respectively, the tab level of one or more lines of code.
Spaceman il 15 Apr 2024
Thank you. I learn so many new things every day on MATLAB! :)

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Più risposte (1)

Voss il 14 Apr 2024
Modificato: Voss il 14 Apr 2024
Here's a way to generate multiple random sentences at once:
Names={'Harry','Xavier','Sue','Howard','Fred'}; % adding two names and one noun
Verbs={'loves','eats','throws'}; % to show that these don't all
Nouns={'baseballs','rocks','pizza','iPads'}; % have to be the same length
% number of sentences to print:
N = 12;
C = [ ...
Names(randi(end,[1 N])); ...
Verbs(randi(end,[1 N])); ...
Nouns(randi(end,[1 N])); ...
C = 3x12 cell array
{'Howard'} {'Fred' } {'Fred' } {'Sue' } {'Harry' } {'Howard'} {'Xavier' } {'Sue' } {'Sue' } {'Fred' } {'Xavier'} {'Xavier'} {'throws'} {'throws'} {'eats' } {'eats' } {'throws' } {'loves' } {'loves' } {'throws' } {'loves'} {'throws'} {'eats' } {'throws'} {'iPads' } {'rocks' } {'pizza'} {'rocks'} {'baseballs'} {'pizza' } {'baseballs'} {'baseballs'} {'rocks'} {'pizza' } {'iPads' } {'iPads' }
fprintf('%s %s %s.\n',C{:})
Howard throws iPads. Fred throws rocks. Fred eats pizza. Sue eats rocks. Harry throws baseballs. Howard loves pizza. Xavier loves baseballs. Sue throws baseballs. Sue loves rocks. Fred throws pizza. Xavier eats iPads. Xavier throws iPads.
And here's one way to generate all possible sentences of the specified form:
T = combinations(Names,Verbs,Nouns)
T = 60x3 table
Names Verbs Nouns __________ __________ _____________ {'Harry' } {'loves' } {'baseballs'} {'Harry' } {'loves' } {'rocks' } {'Harry' } {'loves' } {'pizza' } {'Harry' } {'loves' } {'iPads' } {'Harry' } {'eats' } {'baseballs'} {'Harry' } {'eats' } {'rocks' } {'Harry' } {'eats' } {'pizza' } {'Harry' } {'eats' } {'iPads' } {'Harry' } {'throws'} {'baseballs'} {'Harry' } {'throws'} {'rocks' } {'Harry' } {'throws'} {'pizza' } {'Harry' } {'throws'} {'iPads' } {'Xavier'} {'loves' } {'baseballs'} {'Xavier'} {'loves' } {'rocks' } {'Xavier'} {'loves' } {'pizza' } {'Xavier'} {'loves' } {'iPads' }
C = table2array(T).';
fprintf('%s %s %s.\n',C{:})
Harry loves baseballs. Harry loves rocks. Harry loves pizza. Harry loves iPads. Harry eats baseballs. Harry eats rocks. Harry eats pizza. Harry eats iPads. Harry throws baseballs. Harry throws rocks. Harry throws pizza. Harry throws iPads. Xavier loves baseballs. Xavier loves rocks. Xavier loves pizza. Xavier loves iPads. Xavier eats baseballs. Xavier eats rocks. Xavier eats pizza. Xavier eats iPads. Xavier throws baseballs. Xavier throws rocks. Xavier throws pizza. Xavier throws iPads. Sue loves baseballs. Sue loves rocks. Sue loves pizza. Sue loves iPads. Sue eats baseballs. Sue eats rocks. Sue eats pizza. Sue eats iPads. Sue throws baseballs. Sue throws rocks. Sue throws pizza. Sue throws iPads. Howard loves baseballs. Howard loves rocks. Howard loves pizza. Howard loves iPads. Howard eats baseballs. Howard eats rocks. Howard eats pizza. Howard eats iPads. Howard throws baseballs. Howard throws rocks. Howard throws pizza. Howard throws iPads. Fred loves baseballs. Fred loves rocks. Fred loves pizza. Fred loves iPads. Fred eats baseballs. Fred eats rocks. Fred eats pizza. Fred eats iPads. Fred throws baseballs. Fred throws rocks. Fred throws pizza. Fred throws iPads.
  7 Commenti
Voss il 16 Apr 2024
You're welcome!

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