Using Coulomb Counting Method for SoC Estimation of battery

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Hi There
I would like to ask if any one could help in turing this into a MATLAB script. Where there Battery voltage and current capacity is asked along with the hours used and then those inputs is used to calculte the state of charge. some thing like what is shown in the picture.

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Javier Gazzarri
Javier Gazzarri il 6 Mag 2024
Hello Ranish.
Please bear in mind that the above calculation is only valid under the approximation that the voltage is constant during the entire discharge time, which is not true in a real battery. The code you can use is:
C = 500; R = 0.6; V = 12;
t = 0:3*3600;
I = V/R * ones(size(t));
SOC = 1 - trapz(t,I)/3600/C;
Best regards,

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