Incorrect dimensions for matrix multiplication

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% param value
k0 = 0.244; p=536.2; q=0.0000376;
% the function
k = @(t,u) (k0 + (p*k0.^u-q*k0)*t +(p*k0.^u-q*k0).*(p*u*k0.^u-q)*t.^2/factorial(2)...
% grid
t = linspace(0,0.1);
u = linspace(0.3,0.9);
[T,U] = meshgrid(t,q);
% evaluate function
Z = k(T,U);
Error using *
Incorrect dimensions for matrix multiplication. Check that the number of columns in the first matrix matches the number of rows in the second matrix. To operate on each element of the matrix individually, use TIMES (.*) for elementwise multiplication.

Error in solution>@(t,u)(k0+(p*k0.^u-q*k0)*t+(p*k0.^u-q*k0).*(p*u*k0.^u-q)*t.^2/factorial(2)+(p*k0.^u-q*k0).*((p*u*k0.^u-q).^2-p*u*(u-1)*k0.^(u-1)./2)*t.^3/factorial(3)) (line 5)
k = @(t,u) (k0 + (p*k0.^u-q*k0)*t +(p*k0.^u-q*k0).*(p*u*k0.^u-q)*t.^2/factorial(2)...
% plot

Risposta accettata

VBBV il 31 Mag 2024
Modificato: VBBV il 31 Mag 2024
k = @(t,u) (k0 + (p*k0.^u-q*k0).*t +(p*k0.^u-q*k0).*(p*u*k0.^u-q).*t.^2/factorial(2)...
% grid
  1 Commento
VBBV il 31 Mag 2024
Modificato: VBBV il 31 Mag 2024

Use element wise matrix multiplication in the anonymous function as above. Also use a finite number of elements for vectors t and u as below

% grid
t = linspace(0,0.1,30);
u = linspace(0.3,0.9,30);
[T,U] = meshgrid(t,u);

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