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one Structure Aceess Problem

3 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
ar fa
ar fa il 14 Giu 2015
Chiuso: MATLAB Answer Bot il 20 Ago 2021
I have these below codes:
a(1).x = [5 9];
a(2).x = [4 41];
a(3).x = [7 0];
a(4).x = [23 45];
After running these codes, I encountered to below Error:
Scalar index required for this type of multi-level indexing.
Please help me to access to "a(2:3).x(1)" as [4 7].

Risposte (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 14 Giu 2015
MATLAB doesn't allow that.
In the particular case that the vectors are the same size for the structure members, you can use
t = vertcat(a(2:3).x);
If they are not the same size then
cellfun(@(C) C(1), {a(2:3).x})

Questa domanda è chiusa.


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