Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri


1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
krithika P
krithika P il 16 Dic 2011
HI , i have an 256*256 image .. i want to separate it into blocks of 4*4 of that original image .. for that i tried with this code .
[img_x,img_y]=size(img); block_size=4; slide_len=1; n=1; for ix=block_size/2:slide_len:img_x-block_size/2 for jy=block_size/2:slide_len:img_y-block_size/2 current_block=img((ix-block_size/2+1):(ix+block_size/2),(jy-block_size/2+1):(jy+block_size/2));
but i could not get the full blocks also when i cheked with original image pixel values differs .. can i use this codes or any in built command can be used .. thanks to all in advance for reading this patiently
  2 Commenti
Muthuraj V
Muthuraj V il 16 Dic 2011
Hi you can use this command
c=mat2cell(a,[x y...],[x y...])
where in that x y .. should match with the no. of rows and columns,,,
chek for help in matlab, u wil get more detail
krithika P
krithika P il 16 Dic 2011
i get like this when i use this command
Columns 1 through 9
[4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8]
[4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8]
[4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8]
[4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8]
[4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8]
[4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8]
[4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8]
[4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8] [4x4 uint8]

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Risposta accettata

Junaid il 16 Dic 2011
Dear as in obove code division is n't correct .. follow this code
let say your image is I of 256 x 256. Make your your grid which is 4 x 4 this time should divide image dimensions.
if size(I,3)>1, I = rgb2gray(I); end % to make sure image is grayscale
I = imresize(I, [256 256]); % you can keep it the size you want but should be divisible by 4 x 4.
img_blocks = mat2cell(I,size(I,1)/4*ones(1,4), size(I,2)/4*ones(1,4));
Then you get img_blocks of size 4x4. For first block you can get
part1 = img_blocks{1,1};
  6 Commenti
krithika P
krithika P il 16 Dic 2011
thank you ..
Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov il 16 Dic 2011
s = [64 64];
S = size(I);
out = permute(reshape(I,s(1),S(1)/s(1),s(2),[]),[1 3 2 4]);

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