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Build a jet pump model in Simscape's thermal liquid domain.

5 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Hello everyone,
we are currently working with the thermal liquid domain in Simscape and try to implement a model of a jet pump.
There is no real workaround by using Standard elements and lookup tables, so we are looking forward to port the "Jet pump" block from the simhydraulics domain:
ssc-file working now, we had a negative term in sqrt before, so initialisation would fail, no matter there is no flow reversal (and thus negative mdot) in a Jet pump. Code:
component jet_pump
% Thermal Liquid Jet Pump
% Defines a thermal liquid domain component with external nodes A, B and C
% located on the left, left and right hand side of the block respectively.
% Also defines associated through variables as well as thermodynamic
% properties and flux scheme. The properties are computed using table
% lookup functions.
% Modification of the simscape two_port.ssc-file
% Goal: Jet pump model
Anozzle = { 1e-4, 'm^2' }; % ctrl:left
A = foundation.thermal_liquid.thermal_liquid; % A:left
B = foundation.thermal_liquid.thermal_liquid; % B:left
C = foundation.thermal_liquid.thermal_liquid; % C:right
length = { 1e-1, 'm' }; % Characteristic longitudinal length
area = { 1e-2, 'm^2' }; % Pipe cross-sectional area
An_min = { 1e-10, 'm^2' }; % Minimum nozzle area
Ath = { 1e-4, 'm^2' }; % Throat area
Ad = { 1e-3, 'm^2' }; % Diffuser outlet area
Kn = { 0.05, '1' }; % Nozzle hydraulic loss coefficient
Ken = { 0.005, '1' }; % Throat entry hydraulic loss coefficient
Kth = { 0.1, '1' }; % Throat hydraulic loss coefficient
Kdi = { 0.1, '1' }; % Diffuser hydraulic loss coefficient
% Component variables
mdot_A = { 0, 'kg/s' }; % Mass flow rate into A
mdot_B = { 0, 'kg/s' }; % Mass flow rate into B
mdot_C = { 0, 'kg/s' }; % Mass flow rate into C
Phi_A = { 0, 'J/s' }; % Thermal flux through A
Phi_B = { 0, 'J/s' }; % Thermal flux through B
Phi_C = { 0, 'J/s' }; % Thermal flux through C
p = { 1.01325,'bar' }; % Pressure
T = { 293.15, 'K' }; % Temperature
variables(Access = protected)
Phi_convection_A= { 0, 'J/s' }; % Convective part of thermal flux through A
Phi_convection_B= { 0, 'J/s' }; % Convective part of thermal flux through B
Phi_convection_C= { 0, 'J/s' }; % Convective part of thermal flux through C
% Fluid properties - Default values are for water at p = 1 atmosphere and T = 293.15 Kelvin
%%Internal energy
u = { 84, 'J/g' }; % Internal energy
u_A = { 84, 'J/g' }; % Internal energy at A
u_B = { 84, 'J/g' }; % Internal energy at B
u_C = { 84, 'J/g' }; % Internal energy at C
rho = {998.2, 'kg/m^3' }; % Density
rho_A = {998.2, 'kg/m^3' }; % Density at A
rho_B = {998.2, 'kg/m^3' }; % Density at B
rho_C = {998.2, 'kg/m^3' }; % Density at C
%%Specific heat at constant pressure, isobaric thermal expansion, and conductivity
cp = { 4.16, 'J/(g*K)' }; % Specific heat at constant pressure
alpha = { -2.0691e-04, '1/K' }; % Isobaric thermal expansion
k = { 598.5, 'mW/(m*K)' }; % Thermal conductivity
%%Isothermal bulk modulus and viscosity
beta = { 2.1791, 'GPa' }; % Isothermal bulk modulus
nu = { 1, 'mm^2/s' }; % Viscosity
mdot_A : A.mdot -> *;
mdot_B : B.mdot -> *;
mdot_C : C.mdot -> *;
Phi_A : A.Phi -> *;
Phi_B : B.Phi -> *;
Phi_C : C.Phi -> *;
% The nozzle area must be larger than An_min
An = if Anozzle < An_min, An_min else Anozzle end;
% Pressures and temperatures at fluid boundaries
p_A = A.p;
T_A = A.T;
p_B = B.p;
T_B = B.T;
p_C = C.p;
T_C = C.T;
% Thermal conductance for each part of the source
Gth = if k*(area/2)/(length/2) <= A.G_min, A.G_min else k*(area/2)/(length/2) end;
% Thermal energy equation sources and sinks
p_dv_A = A.p * mdot_A * if gt(mdot_A, 0), 1/rho_A - 1/rho else 1/rho - 1/rho end;
p_dv_B = B.p * mdot_B * if gt(mdot_B, 0), 1/rho_B - 1/rho else 1/rho - 1/rho end;
p_dv_C = C.p * mdot_C * if gt(mdot_C, 0), 1/rho_C - 1/rho else 1/rho - 1/rho end;
% Internal energy at the internal temperature and corresponding to boundary pressure
u_out_A = tablelookup(A.T_TLU, A.p_TLU, A.u_TLU, T, p_A, interpolation = linear, extrapolation = nearest);
u_out_B = tablelookup(B.T_TLU, B.p_TLU, A.u_TLU, T, p_B, interpolation = linear, extrapolation = nearest);
u_out_C = tablelookup(C.T_TLU, C.p_TLU, A.u_TLU, T, p_C, interpolation = linear, extrapolation = nearest);
% jet pump specific
b = An / Ath;
c = (1 - b) / b;
Z = rho_A * (((mdot_A / rho_A)^2) / (2 * An^2));
M = mdot_B / mdot_A;
a = Ath / Ad;
% Convective part of Thermal Fluxes
Phi_convection_A == mdot_A * if gt(mdot_A, 0), u_A else u_out_A end;
Phi_convection_B == mdot_B * if gt(mdot_B, 0), u_B else u_out_B end;
Phi_convection_C == mdot_C * if gt(mdot_C, 0), u_C else u_out_C end;
% Conservation of mass
% mdot_A == (An/sqrt(1+Kn))*(sqrt((2/rho_A)*(A.p-p)))*rho_A;
mdot_A == (An/sqrt(1+Kn))*(sqrt((2/rho_A)*(abs(A.p-p))))*rho_A*(A.p-p)/abs(A.p-p); % (A.p-p)/abs(A.p-p) for avoiding negative terms, here was the mistake before
% mdot_B == (An*c/sqrt(1+Ken))*(sqrt((2/rho_B)*(B.p-p)))*rho_B;
mdot_B == (An*c/sqrt(1+Ken))*(sqrt((2/rho_B)*(abs(B.p-p))))*rho_B*(B.p-p)/abs(B.p-p); % (A.p-p)/abs(A.p-p) for avoiding negative terms
0 == mdot_A + mdot_B+ mdot_C;
% Conservation of momentum
C.p-p == Z*(b^2)*((2/b)+(2/1-b)*M^2-((1+M)^2)*(1+Kth+Kdi+a^2)); %assuming, that sign has to be minus, thus pressure would be okay
% Conservation of Energy
%%Thermal fluxes
Phi_A == Phi_convection_A + Gth * (A.T - T);
Phi_B == Phi_convection_B + Gth * (B.T - T);
Phi_C == Phi_convection_C + Gth * (C.T - T);
% Phi_A == Phi_convection_A;
% Phi_B == Phi_convection_B;
% Phi_C == Phi_convection_C;
0 == Phi_A + Phi_B + p_dv_A + p_dv_B+Phi_C + p_dv_C; %before: type 0 == a + b + c instead of c == a + b
% 0 == Phi_A + Phi_B + Phi_C;
% Fluid properties table lookup functions
u == tablelookup(A.T_TLU, A.p_TLU, A.u_TLU, T, p, interpolation = linear, extrapolation = nearest);
u_A == tablelookup(A.T_TLU, A.p_TLU, A.u_TLU, T_A, p_A, interpolation = linear, extrapolation = nearest);
u_B == tablelookup(A.T_TLU, A.p_TLU, A.u_TLU, T_B, p_B, interpolation = linear, extrapolation = nearest);
u_C == tablelookup(A.T_TLU, A.p_TLU, A.u_TLU, T_C, p_C, interpolation = linear, extrapolation = nearest);
rho == tablelookup(A.T_TLU, A.p_TLU, A.rho_TLU, T, p, interpolation = linear, extrapolation = nearest);
rho_A == tablelookup(A.T_TLU, A.p_TLU, A.rho_TLU, T_A , p_A, interpolation = linear, extrapolation = nearest);
rho_B == tablelookup(A.T_TLU, A.p_TLU, A.rho_TLU, T_B , p_B, interpolation = linear, extrapolation = nearest);
rho_C == tablelookup(A.T_TLU, A.p_TLU, A.rho_TLU, T_C , p_C, interpolation = linear, extrapolation = nearest);
nu == tablelookup(A.T_TLU, A.p_TLU, A.nu_TLU, T, p, interpolation = linear, extrapolation = nearest);
cp == tablelookup(A.T_TLU, A.p_TLU, A.cp_TLU, T, p, interpolation = linear, extrapolation = nearest);
alpha == tablelookup(A.T_TLU, A.p_TLU, A.alpha_TLU, T, p, interpolation = linear, extrapolation = nearest);
k == tablelookup(A.T_TLU, A.p_TLU, A.k_TLU, T, p, interpolation = linear, extrapolation = nearest);
beta == tablelookup(A.T_TLU, A.p_TLU, A.beta_TLU, T, p, interpolation = linear, extrapolation = nearest);
  2 Commenti
Andreas il 14 Ott 2015
Modificato: Andreas il 28 Ott 2015
I tried to modify the two-port-block at first, but get the "number of variables exceeds number of equations" error when testing. The block should deliver the same results as a normal 3-way-crossing of thermal liquid paths.
Edit: removed old ssc code
Andreas il 15 Ott 2015
Progress: Forgot, that two_port.ssc is no independent block but only object / foundation for top level blocks. So many of the missing conserving equations can be found in other blocks... I'll try to get this working.

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Risposta accettata

Andreas il 2 Nov 2015
ssc-file working now, we had a negative term in sqrt before, so initialisation would fail, no matter there is no flow reversal (and thus negative mdot) in a Jet pump

Più risposte (3)

Sohrab Forouzan Mehr
Sohrab Forouzan Mehr il 15 Ott 2015
Hi Andreas,
I tried this variant (see below). You won't get the variable exceeds equations error anymore, but running a model won't work either.
Any idea what went wrong?
component three_port
% Thermal Liquid Three Port
% Defines a thermal liquid domain component with external nodes A, B and C
% located on the left, left and right hand side of the block respectively.
% Also defines associated through variables as well as thermodynamic
% properties and flux scheme. The properties are computed using table
% lookup functions.
A = foundation.thermal_liquid.thermal_liquid; % A:left
B = foundation.thermal_liquid.thermal_liquid; % B:left
C = foundation.thermal_liquid.thermal_liquid; % C:right
% commanded_pressure = { 0, 'Pa' }; % Pressure differential
length = { 1e-1, 'm' }; % Characteristic longitudinal length
area = { 1e-2, 'm^2' }; % Pipe cross-sectional area
% Component variables
mdot_A = { 0, 'kg/s' }; % Mass flow rate into A
mdot_B = { 0, 'kg/s' }; % Mass flow rate into B
mdot_C = { 0, 'kg/s' }; % Mass flow rate into C
Phi_A = { 0, 'J/s' }; % Thermal flux through A
Phi_B = { 0, 'J/s' }; % Thermal flux through B
Phi_C = { 0, 'J/s' }; % Thermal flux through C
p = { 1.01325,'bar' }; % Pressure
T = { 293.15, 'K' }; % Temperature
variables(Access = protected)
Phi_convection_A= { 0, 'J/s' }; % Convective part of thermal flux through A
Phi_convection_B= { 0, 'J/s' }; % Convective part of thermal flux through B
Phi_convection_C= { 0, 'J/s' }; % Convective part of thermal flux through C
% Fluid properties - Default values are for water at p = 1 atmosphere and T = 293.15 Kelvin
%%Internal energy
u = { 84, 'J/g' }; % Internal energy
u_A = { 84, 'J/g' }; % Internal energy at A
u_B = { 84, 'J/g' }; % Internal energy at B
u_C = { 84, 'J/g' }; % Internal energy at C
rho = {998.2, 'kg/m^3' }; % Density
rho_A = {998.2, 'kg/m^3' }; % Density at A
rho_B = {998.2, 'kg/m^3' }; % Density at B
rho_C = {998.2, 'kg/m^3' }; % Density at C
%%Specific heat at constant pressure, isobaric thermal expansion, and conductivity
cp = { 4.16, 'J/(g*K)' }; % Specific heat at constant pressure
alpha = { -2.0691e-04, '1/K' }; % Isobaric thermal expansion
k = { 598.5, 'mW/(m*K)' }; % Thermal conductivity
%%Isothermal bulk modulus and viscosity
beta = { 2.1791, 'GPa' }; % Isothermal bulk modulus
nu = { 1, 'mm^2/s' }; % Viscosity
mdot_A : A.mdot -> *;
mdot_B : B.mdot -> *;
mdot_C : C.mdot -> *;
Phi_A : A.Phi -> *;
Phi_B : B.Phi -> *;
Phi_C : C.Phi -> *;
% Pressures and temperatures at fluid boundaries
p_A = A.p;
T_A = A.T;
p_B = B.p;
T_B = B.T;
p_C = C.p;
T_C = C.T;
% Thermal conductance for each half of the source
Gth = if k*area/(length/2) <= A.G_min, A.G_min else k*area/(length/2) end;
% Thermal energy equation sources and sinks
p_dv = p * mdot_A * if gt(mdot_A, 0), 1/rho_A - 1/rho else 1/rho - 1/rho_B end;
% Internal energy at the internal temperature and corresponding to boundary pressure
u_out_A = tablelookup(A.T_TLU, A.p_TLU, A.u_TLU, T, p_A, interpolation = linear, extrapolation = nearest);
u_out_B = tablelookup(A.T_TLU, A.p_TLU, A.u_TLU, T, p_B, interpolation = linear, extrapolation = nearest);
u_out_C = tablelookup(A.T_TLU, A.p_TLU, A.u_TLU, T, p_C, interpolation = linear, extrapolation = nearest);
% % Thermal energy equation sources and sinks
% p_dv = p * mdot_A * if gt(mdot_A, 0), 1/rho_A - 1/rho else 1/rho - 1/rho_B end;
% Convective part of Thermal Fluxes
Phi_convection_A == mdot_A * if gt(mdot_A, 0), u_A else u_out_A end;
Phi_convection_B == mdot_B * if gt(mdot_B, 0), u_B else u_out_B end;
Phi_convection_C == mdot_C * if gt(mdot_C, 0), u_C else u_out_C end;
% Conservation of mass
% mdot_A == -mdot_B;
mdot_C == mdot_A + mdot_B;
% Conservation of momentum
p == (A.p + B.p + C.p)/3;
B.p - A.p == 0;
B.p - C.p == 0;
% Conservation of Energy
%%Thermal fluxes
Phi_A == Phi_convection_A + Gth * (A.T - T);
Phi_B == Phi_convection_B + Gth * (B.T - T);
Phi_C == Phi_convection_C + Gth * (C.T - T);
% Phi_A == Phi_convection_A;
% Phi_B == Phi_convection_B;
% Phi_C == Phi_convection_C;
Phi_C == Phi_A + Phi_B + p_dv;
% Fluid properties table lookup functions
u == tablelookup(A.T_TLU, A.p_TLU, A.u_TLU, T, p, interpolation = linear, extrapolation = nearest);
u_A == tablelookup(A.T_TLU, A.p_TLU, A.u_TLU, T_A, p_A, interpolation = linear, extrapolation = nearest);
u_B == tablelookup(A.T_TLU, A.p_TLU, A.u_TLU, T_B, p_B, interpolation = linear, extrapolation = nearest);
u_C == tablelookup(A.T_TLU, A.p_TLU, A.u_TLU, T_C, p_C, interpolation = linear, extrapolation = nearest);
rho == tablelookup(A.T_TLU, A.p_TLU, A.rho_TLU, T, p, interpolation = linear, extrapolation = nearest);
rho_A == tablelookup(A.T_TLU, A.p_TLU, A.rho_TLU, T_A , p_A, interpolation = linear, extrapolation = nearest);
rho_B == tablelookup(A.T_TLU, A.p_TLU, A.rho_TLU, T_B , p_B, interpolation = linear, extrapolation = nearest);
rho_C == tablelookup(A.T_TLU, A.p_TLU, A.rho_TLU, T_C , p_C, interpolation = linear, extrapolation = nearest);
nu == tablelookup(A.T_TLU, A.p_TLU, A.nu_TLU, T, p, interpolation = linear, extrapolation = nearest);
cp == tablelookup(A.T_TLU, A.p_TLU, A.cp_TLU, T, p, interpolation = linear, extrapolation = nearest);
alpha == tablelookup(A.T_TLU, A.p_TLU, A.alpha_TLU, T, p, interpolation = linear, extrapolation = nearest);
k == tablelookup(A.T_TLU, A.p_TLU, A.k_TLU, T, p, interpolation = linear, extrapolation = nearest);
beta == tablelookup(A.T_TLU, A.p_TLU, A.beta_TLU, T, p, interpolation = linear, extrapolation = nearest);
  1 Commento
Andreas il 19 Ott 2015
Modificato: Andreas il 28 Ott 2015
We indeed missed some equations, but now the basic model works. The matlab support suggested a graphical solution for the jet pump - we'll see, what works out for us.
Updated code in the top post.

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miracle Nkwocha
miracle Nkwocha il 8 Dic 2016
How do you create an .ssc file please?! I can't figure it out

Aram Amouzandeh
Aram Amouzandeh il 13 Dic 2019
Dear All,
I tried to build the model in MATLAB R2018b and get the following error:
Failed to generate 'TL_addon2_lib'
Caused by:
Error using TL_addon2.elements/jet_pump>equations (line 102)
No function or value named A.G_min.
Updating Model Advisor cache…
Model Advisor cache updated. For new customizations, to update the cache, use the Advisor.Manager.refresh_customizations method.
Multiple compilation errors detected while compiling TL_addon2_test_model.
Multiple compilation errors detected while compiling TL_addon2_test_model.
['TL_addon2_test_model/Thermal Liquid Jet Pump']: Cannot find parameter 'Phi_A_nominal_specify'. Please run ssc_build if you have made changes to Simscape file or if you are upgrading to a new version of Simscape.
In jet_pump.ssc A.G_min is used in a singe equation as argument:
% Thermal conductance for each part of the source
Gth = if k*(area/2)/(length/2) <= A.G_min, A.G_min else k*(area/2)/(length/2) end;
However, the variable is not defined anywhere else. Could the variable be a global MATLAB variable not valid anymore in version 2018?
Thanky for your input!
  3 Commenti
Omer Sariyildiz
Omer Sariyildiz il 27 Giu 2022
Did you find any solution for this problem?
I'm using 2022a and I couldn't find any idea to fix.
Andreas il 27 Giu 2022
Modificato: Andreas il 27 Giu 2022
Somehow the structure of the thermal liquid domain has changed. A simple solution would be, to build the jetpump model based on lookup tables often delivered from manufacturers like BAELZ and so on:
Works as well as the older ssc-variant.

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