Still stuck with array subtraction
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Hi, I hope someone may be able to help. I'm still confused!!!
What I'm trying to do is with the following piece of code.
DRUL=find(Data(1:s+window_length-1) <= Data(end));
ERUL= bsxfun(@minus,XRUL,DRUL);
Essentially, I have two sets of data, in terms of their magnitude and time. X_hat is a array of dimensions 2x3629 double and is a estimate of remaining useful life. Data is a array of dimension of 269x1 double and is the actual data from the past till the present. I'm interested in extracting the time dimension of each array and then subtracting one from the other. Essentially what I trying to do is find remaining useful life (RUL).
RUL = length(estimated RUL) - length(data)
Hope you may be able to help.
3 Commenti
il 22 Ott 2015
Unless you wish to post the solution thinking it a case of general interest, I'd suggest since the problem went away you delete the question, too....
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