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Why is detectImportOptions not sheet agnostic with a named Range?
Potential workaround/addition--- I created a rudimentary ActiveX component to query a workbook for the contained named ranges; ...

1 giorno fa | 0

I can't delete the file obtained with matlab
You'll have to exit and restart MATLAB, then... I've never had MATLAB keep the file handle open; Excel if using ActiveX and cra...

1 giorno fa | 0

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How can I write a script to replace a specific integer value in my table, with the average of the data above and below that integer in the table
"what function could make me fill it with the expected value?" There isn't a builtin that will do that automagically, but if yo...

2 giorni fa | 0

Why is detectImportOptions not sheet agnostic with a named Range?
Because the whole suite for workbooks is designed around working with a single worksheet at a time; none of the functions that u...

2 giorni fa | 0

How can I remove a line off UIAxes on App designer in RealTime with SpeedGoat
I "know nuthink!" about Simulink but looks to me like clearScalarAndLineData just clears the present data but since the signals ...

2 giorni fa | 0

With a ribbon plot, how to make the ribbons go along each matrix row instead of each column?
It can be done with plot3 excepting the Q? asked specifically how to do a ribbon. X=[1:4]; Y=[0:3]; Z=[0,1,2,2; 1,2,3,3; 2,3,...

3 giorni fa | 0

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Retrieving RMS of a signal with variable sample rate
Straightforward, deadahead solution would be something like y=resample(y,tx,fs); y_rms=rms(y); where y is your beginning sign...

3 giorni fa | 0

How to plot a line on top of the continuous wavelet transform (CWT) output?
data = xlsread('signal.xlsx','1'); % Extract the time and signal columns t = data(:, 1); signal = data(:, 2); dt = t(3) - t(...

5 giorni fa | 0

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Matlab crash access violation
That's an official support/bug report issue. MATLAB shouldn't crash, but the forum volunteers don't have the inside info to be ...

6 giorni fa | 0

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problem with storing in an array
In extreme_point(num, :) = [oct_i, page_i, r, c, sigma_i, 0]; the RH side is a vector of 6 elements; as written, the LH side p...

7 giorni fa | 0

Import and Read data with several sheets
Hard to diagnose w/o the file, but try sheets=sheetnames('Gas.xlsx'); for k=1:numel(sheets) data{k}=readmatrix('Gas.xlsx','...

7 giorni fa | 1

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How to make the negative sign of y axis to be up ?
plot([-1000:100:100]); hAx=gca; hAx.YDir='reverse'; See axes documentation for all the details...

7 giorni fa | 0

How to get warning source
>> x(i:i) Warning: Colon operands must be real scalars. Array indices must be positive integers or logical values. >> [w...

8 giorni fa | 1

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Remove NaNs from struct fields embedded in a cell array
"...when using import data" That's the problem. How about instead attaching a sample data file that creates the issue and le...

8 giorni fa | 0

The Output structure of a code is showing different outputs in command window and workspace
As @John D'Errico says, they're both correct only the workspace browser has unfolded the various struct content that is only dis...

9 giorni fa | 0

How to plot a line on top of the continuous wavelet transform (CWT) output?
From one of the examples it appears that other than (rudely) executing a clf that clears any current figure when called, it look...

10 giorni fa | 0

List all custom properties and add a new one with actxserver Word
That is a Word Q?, not MATLAB. See the <Word VBA Reference>. Look at the object model section and find the custom properties o...

10 giorni fa | 0

ismember returning false for 0.6000 == 0.6
As the doc for ismember states (albeit only in the Tips section), Tips Use ismembertol to perform comparisons between floatin...

21 giorni fa | 0

Style Property Not Being Recognised
What I suspect you're actually looking for here may be the uitable graphics table has many of the fancy formatting ...

23 giorni fa | 0

I would like to know how to make sure the latitude labels have decimals in them.
Anywhere after the axis is created...for ease of coding, save the handle to the axis object when creating it. You haven't provi...

26 giorni fa | 0

I have a function that adds a legend I want to make the legend group certain plots together yet so that instead of a legend with 14 entries there is a legend with 5 entries
Nsamples = 7; G=ones(1,2*Nsamples); G(1:2:5)=1; G(2:2:6)=2; G(7:2:11)=3; G(8:2:12)=4; G(13:14)=5; M={'x','+','*','s','d'}...

27 giorni fa | 0

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How to assign labels to a dataset using 'signalDatastore' object?
Not at all sure about what you mean by "object helps to assign labels like imageDatastore object". signalDatastore <example> il...

28 giorni fa | 0

Subtract column values where leading columns have values flipped (i.e., (A,B,C1) - (B,A,C2))
load answers T T T.D=nan(height(T),1); for i=1:height(T) ix=find(all(fliplr(T{:,1:2})==T{i,1:2},2)); try T.D(i)=T....

29 giorni fa | 0

I am having trouble reading a txt file
In %data=textscan(fid,'%[index: 0 int_time:] %u64 %[us_int_diff: ] %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s') you're forcing a match on a 0 in ...

30 giorni fa | 0

fitting a graph and coloring each fit
It's hard to understand why you would think using a single color triplet would do anything other than use the one color for all?...

circa un mese fa | 0

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Update a value in a struct in another function
Variables in functions are local to the function and you don't return the struct; in fact in myUpdate you don't return anything ...

circa un mese fa | 0

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MATLAB not indexing table with correct data type, how to specify data type when indexing table?
There are even more alternatives available with setvaropts including identifying the column(s) as hex. This adds the limitation...

circa un mese fa | 0

How to pass username and password to network location
<dir> doesn't know anything about user; there is no switch processing so it thinks you're looking for a file named \\server\sh...

circa un mese fa | 0

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Convert vector of numeric values into a vector of equivalent 8-bit 'int8' binary values
x = [-98 8 49 120]; cellstr(dec2bin(int8(x)))

circa un mese fa | 1

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