Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

how to convert this java program into matlab can you suggest me an idea

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package inpaint;
import imageselection.Main; import inpaintutils.GradientCalculator;
import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.awt.image.PixelGrabber; import java.awt.image.WritableRaster; import java.util.Vector;
/** * Class to Inpaint the given Image. Call Function init with original image, fillImage and quickPaint as arguments * * @author Sapan & Pulkit */ public class ImageInpaint { BufferedImage origImg; // BufferedImage Object to represent updated image at every step Image fillImg; // Image Object to represent Image with target region marked BufferedImage img; // BufferedImage Object to represent original Image WritableRaster raster; // Raster to write to the image int iw, ih; // iw: Width of Image, ih: Height of Image int pixels[]; // Temporary array that will initially store the grabbed pixels int pixelmap[][]; // Matrix to store the pixels of original image int fillPixelmap[][]; // Matrix to store the pixels of image marked with target region int sourceRegion[][]; // Matrix to store Boolean values for Source Region (is updated after each iteration) int initialSourceRegion[][]; // Matrix to store Boolean values for Initial Source Region double fillRegion[][]; // Matrix to store Boolean values for Target Region double gradientX[][]; // Matrix to represent the perpendicular Gradient at each point in X direction double gradientY[][]; // Matrix to represent the perpendicular Gradient at each point in Y direction double confidence[][]; // Matrix that stores the Confidence values for each pixel double data[][]; // Matrix to store the data terms for each pixel GradientCalculator gc; // Object of GradientCalculator class used to calculate gradient double omega = 0.7; // Represents the omega used in confidence term double Alpha = 0.2; // Represents the multiplier for confidence term in calculating priority double Beta = 0.8; // Represents the multiplier for data term in calculating priority int maxX; // The maximum X coordinate of the target region int maxY; // The maximum Y coordinate of the target region int minX; // The minimum X coordinate of the target region int minY; // The minimum Y coordinate of the target region int continuousCol = 0; // The maximum number of continuous green pixels in one column int continuousRow = 0; // The maximum number of continuous green pixels in one row protected Main owner; // Object to the Main Class. Used in passing updates after every iteration public Boolean halt = false; // Used to stop inpainting. public Boolean completed = false; // Used to report when the inpainting is complete. final int diamX = 50; // Diameter (in X direction) of the Region to be searched for final int diamY = 30; // Diameter (in Y direction) of the Region to be searched for private int pixelPosX; // The X-coordinate of current pixel being processed private int pixelPosY; // The Y-coordinate of current pixel being processed int w = 3; // Patch size is 2*w + 1 double con[][] = new double[][] { { 1, 1, 1 }, { 1, -8, 1 }, { 1, 1, 1 } }; // Laplacian filter used in founding // boundary of target region
/** * Constructor for the ImageInpaint Class * * @param owner * Object to the Main class representing the owner of ImageInpaint object. */ public ImageInpaint(Main owner) { this.owner = owner; }
/** * Function to inpaint the given image. * * @param a_origImg * Original Image (without the target region marked) * @param a_fillImg * Image with the target region marked in green color * @param quickInpaint * Flag to specify whether quick painting is enabled or not */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void init(BufferedImage a_origImg, BufferedImage a_fillImg, Boolean quickInpaint) { halt = false; int i, j; try { origImg = a_origImg; img = a_origImg; fillImg = a_fillImg; raster = origImg.getRaster();
iw = img.getWidth(null); ih = img.getHeight(null);
/** * Grab the pixels of Original Image. */ pixels = new int[iw * ih]; PixelGrabber pg = new PixelGrabber(img, 0, 0, iw, ih, pixels, 0, iw); pg.grabPixels(); pixelmap = new int[ih][iw];
for (i = 0; i < ih; i++) { for (j = 0; j < iw; j++) { pixelmap[i][j] = pixels[i * iw + j]; } }
/** * Grab the pixels of Fill Image. */ PixelGrabber fillPg = new PixelGrabber(fillImg, 0, 0, iw, ih, pixels, 0, iw); fillPg.grabPixels(); fillPixelmap = new int[ih][iw];
for (i = 0; i < ih; i++) { for (j = 0; j < iw; j++) { fillPixelmap[i][j] = pixels[i * iw + j]; } }
} catch (InterruptedException e1) { javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(owner, "Error " + e1, "Error!!", javax.swing.JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); System.out.println("Error " + e1); }
/** * Create instance of GradientCalculator to calculate gradients. */ gc = new GradientCalculator(); gc.calculateGradientFromImage(pixelmap, ih, iw); // Calculate Perpendicular Gradient for original image. gradientX = gc.gradientX; gradientY = gc.gradientY;
initialize_confidence_term(); // Initialize the confidence term initialize_data_term(); // Initialize the data term
fillRegion = new double[ih][iw]; // Allocate Space for fillRegion sourceRegion = new int[ih][iw]; // Allocate Space for SourceRegion initialSourceRegion = new int[ih][iw]; // Allocate Space for initialSourceRegion
/** * Initialize minX, minY, maxX and maxY to find these coordinates */ minX = iw; minY = ih; maxX = maxY = 0;
int pixel, r, g, b, countrow, countcol; continuousRow = continuousCol = 0; for (i = 0; i < ih; i++) { countrow = 0; for (j = 0; j < iw; j++) { pixel = fillPixelmap[i][j]; r = 0xff & pixel >> 16; // Obtain the red Component g = 0xff & pixel >> 8; // Obtain the green Component b = 0xff & pixel; // Obtain the blue Component /** * If the color is green, mark it as fillRegion Otherwise mark it as SourceRegion. */ if (r == 0 && g == 255 && b == 0) { countrow++; // Increase the number of continuous green pixels fillRegion[i][j] = 1; sourceRegion[i][j] = 0; initialSourceRegion[i][j] = 0; if (j < minX) { minX = j; } if (i < minY) { minY = i; } if (j > maxX) { maxX = j; } if (i > maxY) { maxY = i; } } else { if (countrow > continuousRow) { continuousRow = countrow; } countrow = 0; fillRegion[i][j] = 0; sourceRegion[i][j] = 1; initialSourceRegion[i][j] = 1; } } }
for (i = 0; i < iw; ++i) { countcol = 0; for (j = 0; j < ih; ++j) { pixel = fillPixelmap[j][i]; r = 0xff & pixel >> 16; // Obtain the red Component g = 0xff & pixel >> 8; // Obtain the green Component b = 0xff & pixel; // Obtain the blue Component /** * If pixel is green, increase the countcol by 1. */ if (r == 0 && g == 255 && b == 0) { countcol++; // Increase the number of continuous green pixels } else { if (countcol > continuousCol) { continuousCol = countcol; } countcol = 0; } } }
// System.out.println("Col = " + continuousCol); // System.out.println("Col = " + continuousRow);
Boolean flag = true; // Flag to represent the completion of the inpainting process
double[][] temp = new double[ih][iw]; double[][] sourceGradX = new double[ih][iw]; double[][] sourceGradY = new double[ih][iw];
Vector dR = new Vector(); // Vector to store pixels of the boundary Vector Nx = new Vector(); // Vector to store corresponding gradient in X direction Vector Ny = new Vector(); // Vector to store corresponding gradient in Y direction
double count; // Temporary variable used in calculating confidence terms for patches double Rcp; // Temporary variable used in calculating confidence terms for patches double tempPriority; // Temporary variable used in calculating maximum priority
while (flag) {
/** * Filter the fillRegion with Laplacian Filter. Done to find the pixels on the boundary. */ temp = conv2(fillRegion, con);
/** * Find the gradient of Source Region. */ gc.calculateGradient(sourceRegion, ih, iw); sourceGradX = gc.gradientX; sourceGradY = gc.gradientY;
dR.clear(); Nx.clear(); Ny.clear();
/** * Add the coordinates of boundary pixels to dR and their gradients to Nx and Ny. */ for (i = 0; i < temp[0].length; i++) { for (j = 0; j < temp.length; j++) { if (temp[j][i] > 0) { dR.add(i * temp.length + j); Nx.add(sourceGradX[j][i]); Ny.add(sourceGradY[j][i]); } } }
double[][] N = normr(Nx, Ny); // Normalize Nx and Ny and store in N
Vector q = new Vector(); count = 0.0;
/** * Now calculate Confidence Terms for all the pixels in the boundary of target region. */ for (i = 0; i < dR.size(); i++) { int[][] Hp = getpatch(pixelmap, (Integer) dR.get(i)); for (j = 0; j < Hp.length; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < Hp[0].length; k++) { int col = Hp[j][k] / ih; int row = Hp[j][k] % ih; if (fillRegion[row][col] == 0) { count += confidence[row][col]; q.add(Hp[j][k]); } } }
int col = (Integer) dR.get(i) / ih; int row = (Integer) dR.get(i) % ih; confidence[row][col] = count / (Hp.length * Hp[0].length); count = 0; }
double maxPriority = 0.0; int maxPriorityIndex = -1; /** * After calculating confidence terms, now calculate data term and then find the patch with maximum * priority. This is done using the additive priority term. */ for (i = 0; i < dR.size(); i++) { int col = (Integer) dR.get(i) / ih; int row = (Integer) dR.get(i) % ih;
/** * Calculate Data term. +0.001 to prevent it from getting value Zero. */ data[row][col] = Math.abs(gradientX[row][col] * N[i][0] + gradientY[row][col] * N[i][1]) + 0.001;
/** * Elevated Confidence term. This prevents it from reaching Zero to soon. */ Rcp = (1 - omega) * confidence[row][col] + omega;
tempPriority = Alpha * Rcp + Beta * data[row][col]; // Calculate Priority using additive function
/** * find the patch with maximum priority */ if (tempPriority >= maxPriority) { maxPriority = tempPriority; maxPriorityIndex = i; } }
if (maxPriorityIndex == -1) { break; // If no patch is found, then inpainting is complete. }
/** * Obtain the patch with maximum priority. * * @Hp: Coordinates of patch with maximum priority * @toFill: Represents which pixels (from the patch) are to be filled * @toFillTrans: Transpose of ToFill matrix */ int[][] Hp = getpatch(pixelmap, (Integer) dR.get(maxPriorityIndex)); double[][] toFill = new double[Hp.length][Hp[0].length]; double[][] toFillTrans = new double[Hp[0].length][Hp.length];
/** * Calculate ToFill and ToFillTrans */ for (i = 0; i < Hp.length; i++) { for (j = 0; j < Hp[0].length; j++) { int col = Hp[i][j] / ih; int row = Hp[i][j] % ih; toFill[i][j] = fillRegion[row][col]; toFillTrans[j][i] = fillRegion[row][col]; } }
pixelPosX = (Integer) dR.get(maxPriorityIndex) / ih; pixelPosY = (Integer) dR.get(maxPriorityIndex) % ih; /** * Find the Best Exemplar. if quickInpaint is set, then only a small region of complete image is scanned. We * now get the starting and ending X and Y coordinates of the best Patch. */ int[] best = bestExemplar(Hp, toFillTrans, initialSourceRegion, quickInpaint);
int nRows = best[3] - best[2] + 1; int nCols = best[1] - best[0] + 1;
/** * Find the patch represented by best. */ int[][] X = new int[nRows][nCols]; int[][] Y = new int[nRows][nCols]; int[][] Hq = new int[nRows][nCols]; for (i = 0; i < nRows; i++) { for (j = 0; j < nCols; j++) { X[i][j] = best[0] + j; Y[i][j] = best[2] + i; Hq[i][j] = X[i][j] + Y[i][j] * ih; } }
int p = (Integer) dR.get(maxPriorityIndex);
/** * Update the image, data values and confidence values. */ for (i = 0; i < toFill.length; i++) { for (j = 0; j < toFill[0].length; j++) { if (toFill[i][j] != 0) { toFill[i][j] = 1; int col = Hp[i][j] / ih; int row = Hp[i][j] % ih;
int col1 = Hq[i][j] / ih; int row1 = Hq[i][j] % ih;
fillRegion[row][col] = 0; // Since the region is reconstructed, remove from fillRegion sourceRegion[row][col] = 1; // Since the region is reconstructed, add to SourceRegion
/** Propagate Confidence and Isophote Values */ confidence[row][col] = confidence[p % ih][p / ih]; gradientX[row][col] = gradientX[row1][col1]; gradientY[row][col] = gradientY[row1][col1]; pixelmap[row][col] = pixelmap[row1][col1];
/** * Update the image pixels */ int[] color = new int[3]; color[0] = 0xff & pixelmap[row1][col1] >> 16; color[1] = 0xff & pixelmap[row1][col1] >> 8; color[2] = 0xff & pixelmap[row1][col1]; raster.setPixel(col, row, color); } } }
if (halt) { break; } owner.updateStats(origImg); // Inform the owner about the updated image. Thread.yield();
/** * Find whether any other pixels are remaining to be inpainted. */ flag = false; for (i = 0; i < fillRegion.length; ++i) { for (j = 0; j < fillRegion[0].length; ++j) { if (fillRegion[i][j] == 1) { flag = true; break; } } if (flag) { break; // If none of the pixels are in target region, break } }
if (halt) { break; // Stop Inpainting if owner halts the process. } } /** * No need of gradient calculator now. Mark it as null to drop a hint to garbageCollector that it can now be * removed. */ gc = null; if (!halt) { completed = true; } else { completed = false; } owner.updateStats(origImg); // Inform the owner about the updates. Thread.yield(); }
/** * Initializes the confidence term to zero for pixels in target region and 1 for pixels in source region. */ void initialize_confidence_term() { confidence = new double[ih][iw]; for (int i = 0; i < ih; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < iw; j++) { int p = pixelmap[i][j]; int r = 0xff & p >> 16; int g = 0xff & p >> 8; int b = 0xff & p; if (r == 0 && g == 255 && b == 0) { confidence[i][j] = 0; } else { confidence[i][j] = 1; } } } }
/** * Initialize the data term. */ void initialize_data_term() { data = new double[ih][iw]; for (int i = 0; i < ih; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < iw; j++) { data[i][j] = -0.1; } } }
/** * Function to convolve the given matrix with another matrix * * @param a * Matrix to be convolved * @param b * Matrix to be convolved with * @return The result after convolution. */ double[][] conv2(double a[][], double b[][]) { int ra = a.length; int ca = a[0].length; int rb = b.length; int cb = b[0].length;
// do full convolution double c[][] = new double[ra + rb - 1][ca + cb - 1]; for (int i = 0; i < rb; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < cb; j++) { int r1 = i; int r2 = r1 + ra - 1; int c1 = j; int c2 = c1 + ca - 1; for (int k = r1; k < r2; k++) { for (int l = c1; l < c2; l++) { c[k][l] = c[k][l] + b[i][j] * a[k - r1 + 1][l - c1 + 1]; } } } }
double out[][] = new double[ra][ca]; // extract region of size(a) from c int r1 = rb / 2; int r2 = r1 + ra - 1; int c1 = cb / 2; int c2 = c1 + ca - 1; for (int i = r1; i < r2; i++) { for (int j = c1; j < c2; j++) { out[i - r1 + 1][j - c1 + 1] = c[i][j]; } } return out; }
/** * Function to normalize the given vectors and return them concatenated in one single matrix * * @param X * Vector 1 * @param Y * Vector 2 * @return The result after normalizing and then concatenating the two vectors. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") double[][] normr(Vector X, Vector Y) { double normalized[][] = new double[X.size()][2]; for (int i = 0; i < X.size(); i++) { double temp1 = (Double) X.get(i); double temp2 = (Double) Y.get(i);
temp1 *= temp1; temp2 *= temp2;
double temp3;
if (temp1 + temp2 == 0) { temp3 = 0; } else { temp3 = 1 / (temp1 + temp2); temp3 = Math.sqrt(temp3); }
normalized[i][0] = temp3 * (Double) X.get(i); normalized[i][1] = temp3 * (Double) Y.get(i); }
return normalized; }
/** * Function that returns the patch around the given pixel. * * @param pixelmap * Matrix representing the pixelmap of the image. * @param p * Position of the pixel around which patch is to be calculated * @return a matrix that contains the coordinates of the pixels that form the patch. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") int[][] getpatch(int[][] pixelmap, int p) {
int y; int x;
p = p - 1; y = p / ih;// + 1; p = p % ih; x = p + 1;
int temp1 = Math.max(x - w, 0); // Starting X coordinate int temp2 = Math.min(x + w, ih - 1); // Ending X coordinate int temp3 = Math.max(y - w, 0); // Starting Y Coordinate int temp4 = Math.min(y + w, iw - 1); // Ending Y Coordinate
// int[][] X = new int[temp4-temp3+1][temp2-temp1+1]; // int[][] Y = new int[temp4-temp3+1][temp2-temp1+1]; int[][] N = new int[temp4 - temp3 + 1][temp2 - temp1 + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < temp4 - temp3 + 1; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < temp2 - temp1 + 1; j++) { // X[i][j] = temp1 + j; // Y[i][j] = temp3 + i; N[i][j] = temp1 + j + (temp3 + i) * ih; } } return N; }
/** * Function that finds the best exemplar from the image that matches the patch given to the fucntion. By default, it * finds the complete image to look for the best exemplar. But if quickInpaint is set, it only looks for the patch * inside a region defined by minX, maxX, minY, maxY, diamX and diamY * * @param Hp * Patch for which the best exemplar is to be found * @param toFill * Pixels that are to be filled from the patch. * @param sourceRegion * the source region from where to look for the best exemplar * @param quickInpaint * Flag that represents whether or not to perform quick Inpainting. * @return Returns an integer array with four elements representing starting x coordinate, ending x coordinate, * starting y coordinate and ending y coordinate respectively. */ int[] bestExemplar(int[][] Hp, double[][] toFill, int[][] sourceRegion, Boolean quickInpaint) { int[][] Ip = new int[toFill.length][toFill[0].length]; for (int i = 0; i < toFill[0].length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < toFill.length; j++) { int col = Hp[i][j] / ih; int row = Hp[i][j] % ih; Ip[j][i] = pixelmap[row][col]; // transpose } }
int[][] rIp = new int[Ip.length][Ip[0].length]; int[][] gIp = new int[Ip.length][Ip[0].length]; int[][] bIp = new int[Ip.length][Ip[0].length];
for (int i = 0; i < Ip.length; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < Ip[0].length; ++j) { /** * Extract the RGB components of the image. */ rIp[i][j] = 0xff & Ip[i][j] >> 16; gIp[i][j] = 0xff & Ip[i][j] >> 8; bIp[i][j] = 0xff & Ip[i][j]; } }
int mm, nn; int startX; int startY; int endX; int endY; int m = Ip.length; int n = Ip[0].length; if (quickInpaint) {
startX = Math.max(0, pixelPosX - n / 2 - continuousRow - diamX / 2); // Set the start X coordinate above the // pixel's X-coordinate by some // amount startY = Math.max(0, pixelPosY - m / 2 - continuousCol - diamY / 2); // Set the start Y coordinate above the // pixel's Y-coordinate by some // amount endX = Math.min(pixelmap[0].length - 1, pixelPosX + n / 2 + continuousRow + diamX / 2); endY = Math.min(pixelmap.length - 1, pixelPosY + m / 2 + continuousCol + diamY / 2); mm = endY - startY + 1; nn = endX - startX + 1; } else { mm = pixelmap.length; nn = pixelmap[0].length; startX = 0; startY = 0; endX = endY = 0; } int i, j, ii, jj, ii2, jj2, M, N, I, J; double patchErr = 0.0, err = 0.0, bestErr = 99999999999999999999.0, bestPatchErr1 = 99999999999999999999.0; int[] best = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; Boolean skipPatchFlag = false;
/** for each patch */ N = startX + nn - n + 1; M = startY + mm - m + 1; for (j = startX; j < N; j++) { J = j + n - 1; for (i = startY; i < M; i++) { I = i + m - 1;
skipPatchFlag = false;
double meanR = 0.0; double meanG = 0.0; double meanB = 0.0;
/** * Calculate patch error */ for (jj = j, jj2 = 0; jj <= J; jj++, jj2++) { for (ii = i, ii2 = 0; ii <= I; ii++, ii2++) {
/** * If any pixels does not belong to the source region, then skip the patch. */ if (sourceRegion[ii][jj] != 1) { skipPatchFlag = true; break; } if (toFill[ii2][jj2] == 0) { int rImage = 0xff & pixelmap[ii][jj] >> 16; int gImage = 0xff & pixelmap[ii][jj] >> 8; int bImage = 0xff & pixelmap[ii][jj];
/** * Calculate the mean square error for the patch. / err = rImage - rIp[ii2][jj2]; patchErr += err * err; err = gImage - gIp[ii2][jj2]; patchErr += err * err; err = bImage - bIp[ii2][jj2]; patchErr += err * err; /* * Calculate the mean of the color values. Used when we get two patches with same best * error. */ meanR += rImage; meanG += gImage; meanB += bImage; } } if (skipPatchFlag) { break; } }
/** * Update */ if (!skipPatchFlag && patchErr < bestErr) { bestErr = patchErr; best[0] = i; best[1] = I; best[2] = j; best[3] = J;
/** * Calculate the variance of the patch. */ double patchErr1 = 0.0; for (jj = j, jj2 = 0; jj J; jj++, jj2++) { for (ii = i, ii2 = 0; ii <= I; ii++, ii2++) { if (toFill[ii2][jj2] == 1) { int rImage = 0xff & pixelmap[ii][jj] > 16; int gImage = 0xff & pixelmap[ii][jj] >> 8; int bImage = 0xff & pixelmap[ii][jj];
err = rImage - meanR; patchErr1 += err * err; err = gImage - meanG; patchErr1 += err * err; err = bImage - meanB; patchErr1 += err * err; } } } bestPatchErr1 = patchErr1; // Update the variance of the best patch found so far. } else if (!skipPatchFlag && patchErr == bestErr) { /** * If the current patch has same error as the previous best patch we find the variance of this * patch. The patch with minimum variance is now selected as the best patch. */ double patchErr1 = 0.0; for (jj = j, jj2 = 0; jj J; jj++, jj2++) { for (ii = i, ii2 = 0; ii <= I; ii++, ii2++) { if (toFill[ii2][jj2] == 1) { int rImage = 0xff & pixelmap[ii][jj] > 16; int gImage = 0xff & pixelmap[ii][jj] >> 8; int bImage = 0xff & pixelmap[ii][jj];
err = rImage - meanR; patchErr1 += err * err; err = gImage - meanG; patchErr1 += err * err; err = bImage - meanB; patchErr1 += err * err; } } } /** * Select the new patch if it has lower variance. Otherwise discard. */ if (bestPatchErr1 > patchErr1) { best[0] = i; best[1] = I; best[2] = j; best[3] = J; bestPatchErr1 = patchErr1; } }
patchErr = 0.0; } }
if (best[0] == 0 && best[1] == 0 && best[2] == 0 && best[3] == 0) { return bestExemplar(Hp, toFill, sourceRegion, false); } return best; } }

Risposta accettata

Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 8 Nov 2015
I don't know of any automatic translators that you can use. So, just start writing. None of use are going to spend all that time to do it for you, though it shouldn't be long since MATLAB is pretty similar to Java.

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