how to make the inline function can identify the matab coded function

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
I am using the sybolic toolbox of matlab but find the inline function cant identify the matlab coded function. For example,
if i use
syms x y
FT=@(x, y)min(x, y);
ans=dblquad(FT, -1, 1, -1, 1);
the answer is correct.
but if i use it alternatively as
syms x y
FT=inline(min(x, y));
ans=dblquad(FT, -1, 1, -1, 1);
it is failed.
So how to make the inline function to identify the matlab's own function?
Thanks so much

Risposta accettata

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 31 Gen 2012
syms is irrelevant to what you are doing. You should not be using syms.
Your first approach passes a function handle of two arguments as the first argument to dblquad(). dlbquad() will pass the function a vector for the first argument, and a scalar for the second argument. min() is happy to work with that, and will compare each value in x to the scalar in y.
Your second approach tries to evaluate min(x,y) and pass the result to inline(). In your code, because you defined x and y as syms, min(x,y) is going to be a symbolic expression. inline() requires, however, that it be passed a character expression. Correct coding would be to leave out the syms command and use
FT = inline('min(x,y)');
By the way, your first code version, with the function handle FT, could have been coded as simply
ans = dblquad(@min, -1, 1, -1, 1);
  12 Commenti
David Zhang
David Zhang il 3 Feb 2012
Hi Wlater, could you pls give me a small suggestion of my code?thank so much
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 3 Feb 2012
Ah, the silly routine produces a DOM_poly object that has to be converted to an expression.
syms v w
for K = 1 : N1
tlpg = feval(symengine, 'orthpoly::legendre', sym(K), w);
lgp{K} = matlabFunction( tlpg(v), v);
And if that doesn't work, the more verbose
syms v w
for K = 1 : N1
tlpg = feval(symengine, 'orthpoly::legendre', sym(K), w);
lgp{K} = matlabFunction( feval(symengine, 'evalp', tlpg, sym('w=v') ), v);
The legendre polynomials do not normally have two variables. Are you just looking for consistency in invocation, looking ahead to a time when you might be using a function with more than one variable? If so then,
for i = 1 : N1
fx = @(x,y) lgp{i}(x);
for j = 1 : N1
fy = @(x,y) lgp{j}(y);
Ans(i,j) = dlbquad(@(x,y) min(x,y).*fx(x,y).*fy(x,y),a, b, a, b);
Note: I do not have the symbolic toolbox, so the evalp code has not been tested. (I use Maple, which handles the legendre polynomials differently.)

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