Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

From 2 given values find the range from a vector

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
for example if i have a vector D=[110 140 160 225 280 315 355 400 450 500] and values Dmin=112 and Dmax=356 (always find the value rounded to the bigger number of the vector). i Want to find Range=[140 160 225 280 315 355 400]
Thank you

Risposte (3)

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek il 8 Ago 2016
Modificato: Azzi Abdelmalek il 8 Ago 2016
D=[110 140 160 225 280 315 355 400 450 500]
  1 Commento
Stephen23 il 8 Ago 2016
Note that this method will return an empty vector when Dmax is >= max(D). This might be undesired behavior.

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Stephen23 il 8 Ago 2016
Modificato: Stephen23 il 8 Ago 2016
D = [110,140,160,225,280,315,355,400,450,500]
Dmin = 112;
Dmax = 356;
idx = Dmin<=D & [true,D(1:end-1)<=Dmax];
out = D(idx);
and the output:
>> out
out =
140 160 225 280 315 355 400

Alexandros Samp
Alexandros Samp il 8 Ago 2016
This is my problem that Dmax might be out of bound and it returns an empty matrix.
  3 Commenti
Alexandros Samp
Alexandros Samp il 8 Ago 2016
If Dmax=700 and Dmin=340 i want to take the Range=[355 400 450 500], from the Dmin value till the end of the vector
Stephen23 il 8 Ago 2016
Modificato: Stephen23 il 9 Ago 2016
@Alexandros Samp: Have you actually tried my answer yet? My answer does exactly what you are requesting. Here, I can show you for the third time that it gives you the correct output:
D = [110,140,160,225,280,315,355,400,450,500]
Dmin = 340;
Dmax = 700;
idx = Dmin<=D & [true,D(1:end-1)<=Dmax];
out = D(idx)
and the output:
>> out
out =
355 400 450 500

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