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Number of leading zeroes as a variable

13 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
James il 24 Ott 2016
Risposto: Honglei Chen il 24 Ott 2016
I know that to print out a number with a certain amount of leading zeroes, you are supposed to use %0X, where X is the number of digits you want in your output. For example, sprintf('%06g',13) gives you the string '000013' as output. Is there a way to make the formatting value a variable? Something along the lines of
function x=leadzero(y,z)
I know it can be done with a for loop, but is there are way to implement this directly into the sprintf command?

Risposta accettata

dpb il 24 Ott 2016
Fer shure, just write the format string desired dynamically--
function s=leadzero(Nz,z)
Nz for "Number zeros" seemed a better variable name than y as did an s for a returned string output variable...the format string expression can be wrapped inside the sprintf call, of course, just wrote it out for clarity here.

Più risposte (1)

Honglei Chen
Honglei Chen il 24 Ott 2016
y = 6;
z = 13;
sprintf(['%0' num2str(y) 'g'],z)


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