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How to calculate accracy of neural network using ANN toolbox matlab

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Hi all can anyone tell me how do i find the accuracy measure of neural network when using nntoolbox for pattern recognition? If I get mse on trainning= 2.63617e-7 and %E=0; mse on validation= 1.00120e-2 and %E=6.666e-0; and mse on testing=3.73162e-3 %E=0, how can i calculate the accuracy??? and how can i know if my network is overfitting. Thanks very much!

Risposta accettata

Greg Heath
Greg Heath il 7 Mar 2012
Number of classes c = ?
Number of input/target examples per class Ni = ? % i= 1:c
Dimensionality of input I = ?
Dimensionality of output O = ? % c or c-1?
Total number of I/O pairs N = sum(Ni) = ?
Data division ratio per class Ntrni/Nvali/Ntrni = ? % i= 1:c
Number of hidden nodes H = ?
Number of random weight initialization trials Ntrials = ?
Min, median, mean, std and max of PctErr (%E invalid name) over Ntrials
Similar tabulations per class.
Although training goal is to minimize MSEval because PctErrval is discontinuous, the only important results are the PctErrval and PctErrtst stats.
Hope this helps.

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