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silent install of compiled application

4 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Sascha Langfermann
Sascha Langfermann il 4 Gen 2017
I found many instructions on how to install Matlab runtime in silent mode.
But how is it possible to make a silent install of a program whoch was written and compiled in matlab? (assuming the runtime is already installed).

Risposte (1)

Sanjana Ramakrishnan
Sanjana Ramakrishnan il 9 Gen 2017
Modificato: Sanjana Ramakrishnan il 9 Gen 2017
It is possible to install a program written and compiled in MATLAB in silent mode by specifying the -mode option and -agreeToLicense yes on the command line as below:
setup -mode silent -agreeToLicense yes
For example, if you have a standalone application that you want to execute in silent mode, do the following:
1.Navigate to the for_redistribution folder of the compiled application where you would find the installer 'MyAppInstaller_web' in operating system command line.
2.Execute the below command in command line:
MyAppInstaller_web.exe -mode silent -agreeToLicense yes
Refer the below link for more information:


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