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Azzera filtri

divide and conquer

3 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Majid Al-Sirafi
Majid Al-Sirafi il 23 Mar 2012
Risposto: RAJESH il 29 Ago 2024 alle 7:59
anyone can give me source code about divide and conquer method
thank you
  2 Commenti
Oleg Komarov
Oleg Komarov il 25 Mar 2012
Being "an algorithm design paradigm" there's no specific source code for it:
Also, additional info could give contributors a chance of answering:
Daniel Shub
Daniel Shub il 25 Mar 2012
My guess is this is a sorting question...

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Risposte (2)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 25 Mar 2012
Certainly. In order for this to be a proper "divide and conquer" source contribution, each of the readers of this site will contribute part of the source, and it will be up to you to put everything together.
My contribution to your D&Q source follows on the next line:
Hope that helps!
  4 Commenti
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 22 Mag 2017
Peter Weigel comments to Walter Roberson:
This comment is detrimental to the health of the MathWorks forums.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 22 Mag 2017
Peter Weigel: the MathWorks forums seem to have thrived in the five years since I posted that response to someone who asked a vague question and expected to be given full source without any effort on their part.

Accedi per commentare.

RAJESH il 29 Ago 2024 alle 7:59
clc; clear all; close all;
% Initialization
iter = 1;
x = [0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1];
y = [5 6 3 2 8];
% Prepare X1 and Y1 matrices
X1 = zeros(4,4);
x1 = [x(3) x(4) x(5)];
x2 = [x(3) x(4) x(5)];
x3 = [x(1) x(2) x(3)];
x4 = [x(1) x(2) x(3) x(4)];
r = [length(x1) length(x2) length(x3) length(x4)];
X1(1,1:r(1)) = x1;
X1(2,1:r(2)) = x2;
X1(3,1:r(3)) = x3;
X1(4,1:r(4)) = x4;
Y1 = zeros(4,4);
y1 = [y(3) y(4) y(5)];
y2 = [y(3) y(4) y(5)];
y3 = [y(1) y(2) y(3)];
y4 = [y(1) y(2) y(3) y(4)];
r = [length(y1) length(y2) length(y3) length(y4)];
Y1(1,1:r(1)) = y1;
Y1(2,1:r(2)) = y2;
Y1(3,1:r(3)) = y3;
Y1(4,1:r(4)) = y4;
alpha = [-0.8 0.7 0.7 -0.8];
N = length(x);
% Initialize d and d1
d = zeros(1, N-1); % Adjust the size as needed
d1 = zeros(4, 4); % Adjust the size as needed
% Computation of a, b, and q values
for i = 1:N-1
a(i) = (x(i+1) - x(i)) / (X1(i, r(i)) - X1(i, 1));
b(i) = (X1(i, r(i)) * x(i) - X1(i, 1) * x(i+1)) / (X1(i, r(i)) - X1(i, 1));
% Calculating q(i) with careful attention to parentheses
term1 = (y(i) - alpha(i) * Y1(i, 1)) * (1 - (x(i) - X1(i, 1)) / (X1(i, r(i)) - X1(i, 1))).^3;
term2 = (y(i+1) - alpha(i) * Y1(i, r(i))) * ((x(i) - X1(i, 1)) / (X1(i, r(i)) - X1(i, 1))).^3;
term3 = (r(i) * (y(i) - alpha(i) * Y1(i, 1)) + (x(i+1) - x(i)) * d(i) - alpha(i) * d1(i, 1) * (X1(i, r(i)) - X1(i, 1))) * ...
(1 - (x(i) - X1(i, 1)) / (X1(i, r(i)) - X1(i, 1))).^2 * (x(i) - X1(i, 1)) / (X1(i, r(i)) - X1(i, 1));
term4 = (r(i) * (y(i+1) - alpha(i) * Y1(i, r(i))) - (x(i+1) - x(i)) * d(i+1) + alpha(i) * d1(i, r(i)) * (x1(i, r(i)) - x1(i, 1))) * ...
(1 - (x(i) - X1(i, 1)) / (X1(i, r(i)) - X1(i, 1))) * ((x(i) - X1(i, 1)) / (X1(i, r(i)) - X1(i, 1))).^2;
numerator = term1 + term2 + term3 + term4;
denominator = 1 + (r(i) - 3) * (1 - (x(i) - X1(i, 1)) / (X1(i, r(i)) - X1(i, 1))) * ((x(i) - X1(i, 1)) / (X1(i, r(i)) - X1(i, 1)));
q(i) = numerator / denominator;
abq_values = [a' b' q'];
L = []; L1 = []; X = []; Y = [];
p = N;
for k = 1:iter
fprintf("ITERATION=%d\n", k)
for i = 1:N-1
for j = 1:p-2
if(k == 1) % First iteration
% Input data is (x,y) or given data
L(i,j) = a(i) * X(i,j) + b(i);
L1(i,j) = alpha(i) * Y1(i,j) + (q(i) * X1(i,j));
else % More than one iteration
% Input data is (X1, Y1) OR output after the first iteration
L(i,j) = a(i) * X(i,j) + b(i);
L1(i,j) = alpha(i) * Y(i,j) + (q(i) * X1(i,j));
X = [X L(i,:)];
Y = [Y L1(i,:)];
X1 = X;
Y1 = Y;
X = [];
Y = [];
g = [X1' Y1'];
g = str2num(num2str(g,10));
g = unique(g, 'rows');
X1 = g(:, 1);
Y1 = g(:, 2);
p = length(X1);
plot(x, y, '.k', 'markersize', 80);
hold on;
plot(X1, Y1, 'b-');
Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 4. Please give me correct program


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