Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

How can I determine mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum value of each type input and output in training, testing and validation data set, If i consider divide it randomly?

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
How can I determine mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum value of each type input and output in training, testing and validation data set, If i consider Dividerand?

Risposta accettata

Greg Heath
Greg Heath il 12 Mag 2017
Modificato: Greg Heath il 12 Mag 2017
[ net tr y e ] = train(net,x,t);
Obtain trnind, valind and tstind from tr. To see how to do this, just
type, without the ending semicolon,
tr = tr
Hope this helps,
Thank you for formally accepting my answer
  5 Commenti
Greg Heath
Greg Heath il 1 Giu 2017
Reread my instructions:
The trn/val/tst indices are in the training record tr. Therefore, use the command
tr = tr
and the rest will follow!
grytan sarkar
grytan sarkar il 1 Giu 2017
Thank you I got it. However how can I determine the standard deviation of inputs or outputs? std(tainInd) doest not work. Please suggest.

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