Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

LaTeX font in figure

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Yub3r il 16 Giu 2017
Risposto: Yub3r il 17 Giu 2017
I am using the Latex interpreter for the figures, which I create and save as a .eps-file. The problem is that I want to change some names of the .eps files and I don't have any more the original .fig file or my original matlab-code/-data from which I have created These .eps-files.
If I open the .eps files with Inkscape, it doesn't recognize the font of the x- and y-Labels and the legend. It just recognize the numbers on the x- and y-tick.
Is there any way to recognize the fonts in the .eps-file and change the names?
Thank you very much.

Risposte (1)

Yub3r il 17 Giu 2017
No one?


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