Mean doesn't work

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Venkat Ta
Venkat Ta il 6 Lug 2017
Commentato: Star Strider il 7 Lug 2017
Hi, I have doubt in mean. if we have more than 10000 rows why mean doesn't work actually sum also does not work. for example, All_measured = 43472*30 double and the mean formula: mean(All_measured ,2) but the answer is 43472*1 full of NaN Any suitable ideas are very appreciable.

Risposta accettata

Star Strider
Star Strider il 6 Lug 2017
Try this:
mean(All_measured ,2, 'omitnan')
nanmean(All_measured ,2)
  4 Commenti
Venkat Ta
Venkat Ta il 7 Lug 2017
Perfect. Thanks a lot.
Star Strider
Star Strider il 7 Lug 2017
As always, my pleasure.

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