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meshgrid and Surf an IGES and/or STL surface with holes in the middle ?

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
I have a surface model in IGES and STL formats. the model has domes and holes with different shapes (circles, squares...etc) in the middle. Is there any way I can determine the boundaries of the wholes model and the holes only, and meshgrid and surf the whole surface except the wholes ?
Thank you so much
  2 Commenti
KSSV il 9 Set 2017
What's the necessity to meshgrid and surf? You can surf the stl data itself.
Faez Alkadi
Faez Alkadi il 11 Set 2017
Modificato: Faez Alkadi il 11 Set 2017
because I want the surface grid data. with a specific grid size. hope you can let me know if this is possible without meshgrid.

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Risposte (1)

KSSV il 11 Set 2017
You can interpolate to your desired resolution/ grid size using griddata or scatteredinterpolant
  3 Commenti
Faez Alkadi
Faez Alkadi il 12 Set 2017
Modificato: Faez Alkadi il 12 Set 2017
sorry for the late reply, I just don't get notifications on comments. only on answers !!!
Is this what you asking for ?(attached)
And after surfing it, Is it possible to convert the IGES to image so we can use (bwboundaries) to find the boundaries of the whole part and the wholes in it in XY dimensions ?

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