Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

how to find pixel having a specific value and copy those regions to a new matrix

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
find pixel having a specific value and copy those regions to a new matrix...
[rows, columns] = find(L == 0);
how to copy to a new matrix

Risposta accettata

Bjorn Gustavsson
Bjorn Gustavsson il 20 Set 2017
Something like this should get what you ask for:
Img = peaks;
I2 = 0*Img;
Irange = [2 4];
I2(Irange(1)<=Img(:)&Img(:)<=Irange(2)) = Img(Irange(1)<=Img(:)&Img(:)<=Irange(2));
  1 Commento
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 20 Set 2017
I usually put the condition into a variable to avoid recomputing it.
I2 = zeros(size(IMG), class(IMG)); %but 0*Img works too
mask = Irange(1) <= Img & Img <= Irange(2);
I2(mask) = Img(mask);

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