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Load variables with same name with uigetfile and give them a new name automatically

5 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
I have different variables (cells) in my folder, that have the same name when they are loaded into the workspace with "uigetfile(...)". I would like to give each variable automatically a different name (such as var1, var2, var3...for the consecutive variables), when I load them into the workspace. I started like this but I dont get any further. Can someone help me? Thank you :)
[FileName,PathName] = uigetfile('*.mat','MultiSelect','on');
for i=1:size(FileName,1)
var = load([PathName cell2mat(FileName(i))])
somehow I want to give to "var" a different name in every iteration (such as var1 in the first iteraton, var2 in the second and so on...)
  1 Commento
Stephen23 il 4 Dic 2017
Magically creating or accessing variable names will make your code slow, complex, buggy, and hard to debug. Read this to know why:
Instead of using bad code practices you should simply use indexing, which is simple, neat, and very efficient.

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KL il 4 Dic 2017
Modificato: KL il 4 Dic 2017
Don't do that!
The better approach to this problem is to use cell array or array of structs. I'd suggest array of structs for this case.
[FileName,PathName] = uigetfile('*.mat','MultiSelect','on');
for k=1:numel(FileName)
var(k).data = load(fullfile(PathName,FileName{k}));
  8 Commenti
KL il 4 Dic 2017
Modificato: KL il 4 Dic 2017
@zeu: Ah ok. Now I understand. I forgot to change the for loop limits when I copy pasted your code. When you say size(FileName,1), it's always returning 1 (since, number of rows will always be one for that variable).
I changed it to numel (number of elemements) and I also added a field called data to the struct array var. Now it should contain data from all files. Please check the edited answer!

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