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metadata in workspace not working

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Hechuan Wang
Hechuan Wang il 2 Feb 2018
Modificato: Hechuan Wang il 2 Feb 2018
When I update from 2016b to 2017b today, I found the metadata are not shown up in the workspace. Whatever I do, I cannot see anything in the column 'min', 'max', or 'mean' etc.. This was not happening when I was using 2016b. The OS I am using is Windows 10 Education. Any ideas?

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Steven Lord
Steven Lord il 2 Feb 2018
  1 Commento
Hechuan Wang
Hechuan Wang il 2 Feb 2018
Modificato: Hechuan Wang il 2 Feb 2018
Thank you! I just installed the update package and fixed it. However it still confused me because I just installed 2017b today. Does that mean whenever I install MATLAB, the updates are not automatically installed, and I always need to check if there are any updates manually to keep up-to-date? Is there an option for auto update? Or at least some notifications telling me the availability.

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