Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

How can i find the intersection between circle(function) and line(function) ?

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
I want to find intersection point between circle and line, but there are many line in my problem.(the number of circle is one) so there are many intersection points. How can i solve this problem effectively ?

Risposte (2)

Yuvaraj Venkataswamy
Yuvaraj Venkataswamy il 3 Mag 2018
Modificato: KSSV il 3 Mag 2018

KSSV il 3 Mag 2018
Use InterX function from file exchange. Use this link to download the function:
% circle
th = linspace(0,2*pi) ;
x1 = cos(th) ;
y1 = sin(th) ;
L1 = [x1 ; y1] ;
% line
x2 = rand(1,2) ;
y2= rand(1,2) ;
L2 = [x2 ; y2] ;
hold on
plot(x1,y1,'b') ;
plot(x2,y2,'r') ;
P = InterX(L1,L2) ;
plot(P(1),P(2),'*r') ;


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