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how can i write this equation?

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
sharifah shuthairah syed abdullah
Risposto: Michaelscheinfeild il 13 Mag 2018
how can i write this equation in matlab?
min z = sum sum sum sum (f(i,k))*(d(j,q))*(x(i,j))*(x(k,q))
  3 Commenti
sharifah shuthairah syed abdullah
i and k is a facilities..facilities i and facilities k... j and q is a location...location j and location q ... f (i,k) mean flow between facility i and k.. d(j, q) mean distance between facility j to q
Jan il 13 Mag 2018
The physical meaning of the variables does not matter, but if they are e.g. vectors, functions, of the loop counters. The initial "min z" could mean a variety of things also.
Currently all we see is a notation, which is not valid Matlab code and not an exact mathematical notation also. Then translating this into valid Matlab code must be based on guessing. Please edit your question and post the information in a unique and unequivocal way.

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Risposte (1)

Michaelscheinfeild il 13 Mag 2018
z = sum (sum (sum (sum (f(i,k))*(d(j,q))*(x(i,j))*(x(k,q)))))
i suppose there is loop around so use for i=1:N code end
ans so on


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