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Finding initial value

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Kim O
Kim O il 2 Giu 2012
if I use numerical solver for nonlinear problems (like ode or fsolve) I need a good initial value (initial value problem). The problem is, if I use such solver I get following message (here the solver is: ode15s):
Need a better guess x0 for consistent initial conditions.
or sometimes I get the error:
This DAE appears to be of index greater than 1.
My question is, is there a method in MATLAB to get a good initial guess? I know that with Homotopy it is possible to get a good initial guess....maybe MATLAB has such thing.....
Thank you for your help

Risposte (1)

Kim O
Kim O il 4 Giu 2012
does someone knows if decic() could help? But I use ode15s....
  1 Commento
Nicolas Mira Gebauer
Nicolas Mira Gebauer il 14 Ott 2020
Hi, did you get an awnser for this question somewhere else? I am facing the same question.
Thank you,

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