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ODE15s give an error "Not enough input arguments."

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Hi all
I am trying to solve 16 simultaneous equations (DAEs) using ODE15s. The equations are:
%dy(3)/dt = 1/A*(B*C-B*y(3))–((y(3)*D*E-F*y(2))/(1/G)+(F/((1+ (H*y(4))/(I*y(5)))*J))
%dy(7)/dt = 1/A*(-B*y(7))–(K*(1+(H*y(4))/(MM*y(8)))(y(7)*D*E/L–y(9)))
%dy(5)/dt = ((y(3)*D*E-F*y(2))/(1/G)+(F/((1+(H*y(4))/(I*y(5)))*J) ) - (0.162*exp(5153/E)*(((y(4)*y(11))/N) - 1)*(O/((y(4)*y(11)) /N)))
%dy(8)/dt = (K*(1+ (H*y(4))/(MM*y(8)))(y(7)* %D*E/L – y(9)))-(-P*Q*R*y(13)*y(14)*(1-(S*y(14))/(1+S*y(14))))
%dy(21) /dt = (-P*Q*R*y(13)*y(14) *(1-(S*y(14))/(1+S*y(14))))- (0*162*exp(-5153/E)*(((y(4)*y(11))/N)-%1*(O/((y(4)*y(11))/N)))
%dy(13)/dt = -y(13)*(-P*Q*R*y(13)*y(14) *(1-(S*y(14))/(1+S*y(14))))*R/T
%dy(22)/dt = (-P*Q*R*y(13)*y(14) *(1- (S*y(14))/(1+S*y(14))))*Z/AA
% y(14) + 2*y(4) - ((y(5)*W*y(14))/(y(14)^2 + W*y(14) + W*X))- %2*((y(5)*W*X)/(y(14)^2 + W*y(14) + W*X)) – ((y(8)*U*y(14))/(y(14)^2 + U*y(14) + U*V)) – 2*((y(8)*U*V-)/(y(14)^2 + U*y(14) + U*V))- Y/y(14) = 0
%U = y(14)*y(18)/y(9)
%V = y(14)*y(19)/y(18)
%W = y(14)*y(17)/y(2)
%X = y(14)*y(11)/y(17)
%Y = y(14)*y(20)
%y(5) = y(2) + y(17) + y(11)
%y(8) = y(9) + y(18) + y(19)
% y(21) = y(9) + y(18) + y(19)
The initial conditions are:
y0 = zeros(16,1); y0(2)= 1.92e-6; y0(3)= 1.7599e-2; y0(4)= 4.879e-3; y0(5)= 1.4e1; y0(7)= 1.336e-4; y0(8)= 4.879e-3; y0(9)= 6.971e-5; y0(11)= 1.238e1; y0(13)= 48.624; y0(14)= 7.413e-6; y0(17)= 1.615; y0(18)= 4.767; y0(19)= 4.212e-5; y0(20)= 1.349e-6; y0(21)= 4.879e-3; y0(22)= 0;
The parameters are:
A = 1.5e-6; B = 1.66667e-5; C = 6.51332e-2; D = 8.314; E = 323.15; F = 149; G = 4.14e-6; H = 1.39e-9; I = 2.89e-9; J = 8.4e-4; K = 9.598e-4; L = 5.15e+3; MM = 3.53e-9; N = 1.07e-7; O = 10; P = 8.825e-3; Q = 12.54; R = 100.0869; S = 0.84; T = 2703; U = 1.7e-3; V =6.55e-8; W = 6.24; X =5.68e-5; Y =5.3e-8; Z = 258.30; AA = 2540;
However, I get an error "Not enough input arguments".
Please find the code on the attachment.
function simultaneousEquations
%dy(3)/dt = 1/A*(B*C-B*y(3))–((y(3)*D*E-F*y(2))/(1/G)+(F/((1+ (H*y(4))/(I*y(5)))*J))
%dy(7)/dt = 1/A*(-B*y(7))–(K*(1+(H*y(4))/(MM*y(8)))(y(7)*D*E/L–y(9)))
%dy(5)/dt = ((y(3)*D*E-F*y(2))/(1/G)+(F/((1+(H*y(4))/(I*y(5)))*J) ) - (0.162*exp(5153/E)*(((y(4)*y(11))/N) - 1)*(O/((y(4)*y(11)) /N)))
%dy(8)/dt = (K*(1+ (H*y(4))/(MM*y(8)))(y(7)* %D*E/L – y(9)))-(-P*Q*R*y(13)*y(14)*(1-(S*y(14))/(1+S*y(14))))
%dy(21) /dt = (-P*Q*R*y(13)*y(14) *(1-(S*y(14))/(1+S*y(14))))- (0*162*exp(-5153/E)*(((y(4)*y(11))/N)-%1*(O/((y(4)*y(11))/N)))
%dy(13)/dt = -y(13)*(-P*Q*R*y(13)*y(14) *(1-(S*y(14))/(1+S*y(14))))*R/T
%dy(22)/dt = (-P*Q*R*y(13)*y(14) *(1- (S*y(14))/(1+S*y(14))))*Z/AA
% y(14) + 2*y(4) - ((y(5)*W*y(14))/(y(14)^2 + W*y(14) + W*X))- %2*((y(5)*W*X)/(y(14)^2 + W*y(14) + W*X)) – ((y(8)*U*y(14))/(y(14)^2 + U*y(14) + U*V)) – 2*((y(8)*U*V-)/(y(14)^2 + U*y(14) + U*V))- Y/y(14) = 0
%U = y(14)*y(18)/y(9)
%V = y(14)*y(19)/y(18)
%W = y(14)*y(17)/y(2)
%X = y(14)*y(11)/y(17)
%Y = y(14)*y(20)
% y(5) = y(2) + y(17) + y(11)
% y(8) = y(9) + y(18) + y(19)
% y(21) = y(9) + y(18) + y(19)
y0 = zeros(16,1); y0(2)= 1.92e-6; y0(3)= 1.7599e-2; y0(4)= 4.879e-3; y0(5)= 1.4e1; y0(7)= 1.336e-4; y0(8)= 4.879e-3; y0(9)= 6.971e-5; y0(11)= 1.238e1; y0(13)= 48.624; y0(14)= 7.413e-6; y0(17)= 1.615; y0(18)= 4.767; y0(19)= 4.212e-5; y0(20)= 1.349e-6; y0(21)= 4.879e-3; y0(22)= 0;
A = 1.5e-6; B = 1.66667e-5; C = 6.51332e-2; D = 8.314; E = 323.15; F = 149; G = 4.14e-6; H = 1.39e-9; I = 2.89e-9; J = 8.4e-4; K = 9.598e-4; L = 5.15e+3; MM = 3.53e-9; N = 1.07e-7; O = 10; P = 8.825e-3; Q = 12.54; R = 100.0869; S = 0.84; T = 2703; U = 1.7e-3; V =6.55e-8; W = 6.24; X =5.68e-5; Y =5.3e-8; Z = 258.30; AA = 2540;
M = diag([1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]); options = odeset('Mass',M,'MassSingular','yes'); tspan = [0 183000]; [t,y] = ode15s(@revisedModelode,tspan,y0,options);
function yp = revisedModelode(t,y,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,MM,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z,AA)
yp=[1/A*(B*C-B*y(3))-((y(3)*D*E-F*y(2))/(1/G)+(F/((1+ (H*y(4))/(I*y(5)))*J)))
((y(3)*D*E-F*y(2))/(1/G)+(F/((1+(H*y(4))/(I*y(5)))*J) )-(0.162*exp(5153/E)*(((y(4)*y(11))/N) - 1)*(O/((y(4)*y(11)) /N))))
(K*(1+ (H*y(4))/(MM*y(8)))*(y(7)* D*E/L-y(9)))-(-P*Q*R*y(13)*y(14)*(1-(S*y(14))/(1+S*y(14))))
(-P*Q*R*y(13)*y(14) *(1+(S*y(14))/(1-S*y(14))))- (0*162*exp(-5153/E)*(((y(4)*y(11))/N)-1*(O/((y(4)*y(11))/N))))
-y(13)*(-P*Q*R*y(13)*y(14) *(1-(S*y(14))/(1+S*y(14))))*(R/T)
(-P*Q*R*y(13)*y(14) *(1- (S*y(14))/(1+S*y(14))))*(Z/AA)
y(14) + 2*y(4) - ((y(5)*W*y(14))/(y(14)^2 + W*y(14) + W*X))-2*((y(5)*W*X)/(y(14)^2 + W*y(14) + W*X))-((y(8)*U*y(14))/(y(14)^2 + U*y(14) + U*V))-2*((y(8)*U*V)/(y(14)^2 + U*y(14) + U*V))- Y/y(14)
y(5) - y(2) - y(17) - y(11)
y(8) - y(9) - y(18) - y(19)
y(21) - y(9) - y(18) - y(19)];

Risposte (1)

Kaitlyn Keil
Kaitlyn Keil il 26 Lug 2018
Currently, revisedModelode is only being called with two arguments. Since you are trying to pass it all these other parameters as well, you'll need to call it as an anonymous function. Try this line:
[t,y] = ode15s(@(ti,yi)revisedModelode(ti,yi,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,MM,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z,AA),tspan,y0,options);
This makes sure it gets all the arguments it needs. However, you'll also need to modify y0, which is currently a vector of length 22, when it needs to be length 16. Whatever those undefined positions are (y0(1), y0(15), etc) should be given to the function some other way.
Hope that helps! Good luck!
  1 Commento
Dursman Mchabe
Dursman Mchabe il 26 Lug 2018
Hi Kaitlyn Keil, Thanks a lot for your answer. It is a step in the right direction. After trying your suggestions, I get this error message: " >> simultaneousEquations Error using daeic12 (line 76) This DAE appears to be of index greater than 1.
Error in ode15s (line 310) [y,yp,f0,dfdy,nFE,nPD,Jfac] = daeic12(odeFcn,odeArgs,t,ICtype,Mt,y,yp0,f0,...
Error in simultaneousEquations (line 91) [t,y] = ode15s(@(ti,yi)revisedModelode(ti,yi,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,MM,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z,AA),tspan,y0,options);"
I now need to learn how to solve DAEs of index greater than 1.
Thanks once again.

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