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Extracting elements from cell array of matrices

3 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Hau Kit Yong
Hau Kit Yong il 16 Ott 2018
Commentato: madhan ravi il 16 Ott 2018
Say I have a 101x101 cell array, where each element is a 3x3 matrix. How can I extract the (1,1) element of each of the 101x101 matrices in the cell array, to form a 101x101 matrix of values?
Edit: I've managed to extract the data using the line as follows:

Risposte (1)

madhan ravi
madhan ravi il 16 Ott 2018
Modificato: madhan ravi il 16 Ott 2018
You can convert the whole matrix to matrix values as such :
cell2mat(matrix) %assuming matrix contains doubles


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