Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

Import multiple CSV files then use a loop to find the peaks in each

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
I need to import about 60 csv files with 10002x3 in each, then plot the peaks for each one of them
I tried this
d = dir('*.csv');
for i = 1:length(d)
data{i} = csvread(d(i).name);
but It didn't work just says error in line with the data{i}
I tried importing a couple manually but I realized it made them into seperate variables and it woulldn't be easy to loop them.
for i = 0:30
xx{i} = x600_i{:,1};
yy{i} = x600_i{:,3};
where all my variables are named x600_0-10
  3 Commenti
Stephen23 il 20 Nov 2018
"but It didn't work just says error in line with the data{i}"
And is that helpful error message going to remain a secret, or are you going to tell us the message so that we can actually help you? Please give us the complete message text. This means all of the red text.

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Risposte (1)

madhan ravi
madhan ravi il 20 Nov 2018
Modificato: madhan ravi il 20 Nov 2018
xx{i}=sprintf('x600_i{:,1}',i) %where i is from 0 - 10


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