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How to solve the concatenation error in matrix?

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
M.Shaarawy il 3 Gen 2019
Commentato: Matt J il 3 Gen 2019
I have a linear system Gm=d and I want to add equality constraints to this system in the form
Fm=h ; to solve at the end this system
[G'G F';F 0][m;lamda]=[G'd;h]
G: 13×52; d: 13×1; m: 52×1; lamda: 1×1;
F: 52×52; h: 52×1;
F:13×52; h: 13×1
  2 Commenti
James Tursa
James Tursa il 3 Gen 2019
Modificato: James Tursa il 3 Gen 2019
Can you post the actual code you are using? And copy&paste the entire error message along with the offending line noted?
Matt J
Matt J il 3 Gen 2019
Could you not simply use lsqlin?

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