Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

axis color disappear when using the white_jet color map

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Hello everyone and Happy New Year
I am trying to draw a slip distribution graph and want to show the parts with no slip White
I found a Function in File Exchange "colormap jet_white", it is almost what I need except that by using this function my axis disappear!
Is there any way to superpose axis on top ,or any other way to have my color map from White Zero
  6 Commenti
Samaneh Arzpeima
Samaneh Arzpeima il 8 Gen 2019
thank you it gaves me a plot with white color at Zero,almost the same as jet_white(I attached it ).But still my first problem remain, how can I display the axes, like a black line or what ever(like I just have slipdis.png ticks label

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Risposte (3)

KSSV il 7 Gen 2019
Try axis on after the plot.

Jim il 7 Gen 2019
Hi Samenah,
The help on jet_white states
"Since the "jet" colormap matrix can vary in size depending on the plot that it will be applied to, this function should be executed after any plot commands."
I wonder if moving the jet_white execution code below all of your plot commands will solve your issue? Please let me know. Thanks.
  1 Commento
Samaneh Arzpeima
Samaneh Arzpeima il 8 Gen 2019
Thank you Jim
I am not sure if i did understand your advice or not,but I moved the colormap command to the very end part of my script(sorry its not a very neat script )
I attached what I've got !!slipdis.png

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Samaneh Arzpeima
Samaneh Arzpeima il 8 Gen 2019
clear ;
load d.mat
d.X = d.X+150;
%% Slip distribution
grid on
axis equal
xlim([-200 200])
ylim([0 300])
axis ij
set(gca, 'XDir','reverse')
ylabel('Down dip (km)','FontSize',12)
xlabel('Along Strike (km)','FontSize',12)
c = colorbar;
set(get(c,'title'),'string','(m)'); %write the title on the top
caxis([0 10])
% colormap jet_white
map = jet_white();
axis on
hold on
%% drow asp
rectangle('Position',[-17.5 75 35 34.468],'EdgeColor',[0 0 0])
%% drow con
% %find max slip on surface
SurfaceDmax=max(d.Dz(find(d.Z>=0))) %m
[X,Y] = meshgrid(linspace(min(d.Y),max(d.Y)), linspace(min(d.X),max(d.X)));
[C,h]=contour(X,Y,griddata(d.Y,d.X,d.Trup,X,Y),[ 70 60 50 45 40 30 25 20 15 10 5 2],'EdgeColor',[0 0 0]);
set(gca, 'XDir','reverse')
fig.Color = 'gray';
@Stephen Cobeldick it gaves me the graph without the axis slipdis.png
  4 Commenti
Stephen23 il 9 Gen 2019
"I couldn't know how to debug and find the problem line!"
You have to learn to use the debugging tools. They are indispensible in any programming language. Start here:
You will also find plenty of (video) tutorials online.
Samaneh Arzpeima
Samaneh Arzpeima il 9 Gen 2019
I figuered out how to debug. I think the problem started from scatter command.I attached a pdf file with 4 screenshot of debuffing process with the related command under it.the forth figure has no axes.Is there anyway to fix the problem,please.

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