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Neuron Network input variables-Missing data

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
donk ey
donk ey il 25 Feb 2019
Risposto: Greg Heath il 25 Feb 2019
What's the best approach to create a Neural Network with missing data? I have 8 inputs and 2 output variables.
My input data missing is significant (roughly 60%). I do not wish to make a regression analysis to predict the missing values.
Can I create A Neural Network capable of utilizing the available information in each test?
E.g. test 1: 5 inputs available---> The network functions with 5 inputs
test 2: 3 inputs available---> The network functions with 3 inputs

Risposte (1)

Greg Heath
Greg Heath il 25 Feb 2019
Sorry: You have to predict the missing data as best you can.


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