How to add right ylabel with complex values (attached data and code)

4 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
I have a matrix attached called "PF". I read the matrix and plot it using pcolor. This matrix has x-label named "x_state" and left y-axis named "DR"; both attached. I want to add ylabel to the righ axis giving the complex array called "EV" attached.
Any idea?
clear all; clc;
PF = xlsread('PF.xlsx'); % Main data to be plotted
DR = xlsread('DR.xlsx'); % used to label left y-axis
[~, TEXT, ~] = xlsread('States.xlsx'); x_state=TEXT; % used to label x-axis
[~, TEXT, ~] = xlsread('EV.xlsx'); EV=TEXT; % I want to add these complex values to the right y-axis
ylabel('DR (%)')
axis([65 96 65 96])

Risposte (3)

Alex Mcaulley
Alex Mcaulley il 6 Mar 2019
  3 Commenti
Alex Mcaulley
Alex Mcaulley il 6 Mar 2019
Is this that you want?
clear all; clc;
PF = xlsread('PF.xlsx'); % Main data to be plotted
DR = xlsread('DR.xlsx'); % used to label left y-axis
[~, TEXT, ~] = xlsread('States.xlsx'); x_state=TEXT; % used to label x-axis
[~, TEXT, ~] = xlsread('EV.xlsx'); EV=TEXT; % I want to add these complex values to the right y-axis
ylabel('DR (%)')
yyaxis 'right'
ax = gca;
ax.YAxis(2).TickLabels = cellfun(@num2str,EV,'UniformOutput',false);
ylabel('EV (%)')
axis([65 96 65 96])
Ismaeel il 6 Mar 2019
Thanks Alex for your efforts. Yes, but when I zoom in or out, the right y-axis labels do not change accordingly; they are consant unlike the left y-axis labels. Is there a way to solve this? Thanks once again.

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Star Strider
Star Strider il 6 Mar 2019
Try this:
x1 = sort(rand(1,10)); % Create Data
y1 = rand(1,10); % Create Data
x2 = sort(rand(1, 15)); % Create Data
y2 = rand(1, 15)+0.5; % Create Data
ax = gca;
yyaxis left
plot(x1, y1)
yyaxis right
plot(x2, y2)
yt2 = ax.YAxis(2).TickValues; % Get Current Yick Values
ytv = sort(exp(1j*rand(1,7))); % Define Complex YAxis(2) Tick Values
yt2new = linspace(min(yt2), max(yt2), numel(ytv)); % Create Tick Positions Corresponding To ‘ytv’
y2lbls = sprintfc('%.3f%+.3fj', ytv); % Create Complex YAxis(2) Tick Labels Cell Array: ‘sprintfc’
y2lbls = compose('%.3f%+.3fj', ytv); % Create Complex YAxis(2) Tick Labels Cell Array: ‘compose’
ax.YAxis(2).TickValues = yt2new; % Set New Tick Values
ax.YAxis(2).TickLabels = y2lbls; % Set New Tick Labels
You already have a vector for ‘ytv’, so substitute it for my vector. (Keeping the names the same with a different vector will simplify your using my code.)
Experiment to get the result you want.
  6 Commenti
Ismaeel il 6 Mar 2019
Thanks Star Stider. I gave it another try but with no progress.

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Ismaeel il 6 Mar 2019
Plotting is a basic problem in many fileds. I wonder how Matlab after years of feedbacks did not solve such a problem. The prolem is simple, one wants to plot data with additional right y-axis given by complex values. There should be no hard coding to plot such data.


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