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How to get a single value of an array through a function inside a script?

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
I have two questions, how can we use a variable defined in a script to be used later inside a function in the same script?
2nd, I am having trouble in trying to get a single value of an array which is processed inside a function inside a script. The function should return the u'th value of the array gE by storing it in the Eg(function return) but I get an error of
Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
Error in Slab_002>Esrc (line 187)
Eg = gE(u);
How can we fix this? All answers are welcome.
script something something
a = something;
gE = zeros(1, something);
dt = something;
STEPS = something;
function Eg = Esrc(u)
a = dt*u; %% I want to use the a that is defined above in the code.
for i = 1:STEPS
gE(i) = exp(-((t-t0-a)/tau).^2);
Eg = gE(u);

Risposta accettata

Kevin Phung
Kevin Phung il 8 Mag 2019
function Eg = Esrc(u,a)
a = dt*u; %% I want to use the a that is defined above in the code.
for i = 1:STEPS
gE(i) = exp(-((t-t0-a)/tau).^2);
Eg = gE(u);
  2 Commenti
Stephen23 il 9 Mag 2019
Modificato: Stephen23 il 9 Mag 2019
This does not make much sense:
function Eg = Esrc(u,a)
a = dt*u;
You added the inut argument a, but totally ignore that input argument inside the function by reallocating that variable name. What is the point of that?
Zahid Saleem
Zahid Saleem il 9 Mag 2019
Well, I am trying to simulate maxwells equations using FDTD(Finite Difference Time domain), ome side of equation is temporal whereas the other side is spatial. I am fairly new to MATLAB so this was one of the easiest(inefficient) way to manage those equations differentials.

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