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App designer - How To Re-Run an app

3 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
youjarr il 21 Mag 2019
Risposto: Ajay Kumar il 3 Ott 2019
Hey guys,
i have designed an app with app designer.
In this app i habe an "run" button which runs a function within the app.
This is the run buttons callbackfcn:
if(app.NumberoffilesEditField.Value < 1)
f = msgbox('You forgot to type the number of files and the Prefix for the filename', 'Error','error');
elseif(strcmp(app.PrefixforfilenameEditField.Value,'Measurement') == 1 || isempty(app.PrefixforfilenameEditField.Value))
DateNow = datestr(now);
app.pNameOfFiles = matlab.lang.makeValidName(DateNow,'Prefix','Measurement_');
app.PrefixforfilenameEditField.Value = app.pNameOfFiles;
app.Lamp.Color = 'yellow';
app.pNoFiles = app.NumberoffilesEditField.Value;
app.pNameOfFiles = app.PrefixforfilenameEditField.Value;
app.pNameOfFiles = [app.pNameOfFiles, '_'];
app.Lamp.Color = 'green';
app.Lamp.Color = 'red';
close all;
Now if I want to re-run the app... nothing happens?
What could be the reason for that?

Risposte (1)

Ajay Kumar
Ajay Kumar il 3 Ott 2019
close all deletes all the variables in the workspace, making the previously stored attributes inaccessible.
Try commenting out last line and run it.


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