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How to rename the MATLAB Drive Connector folder?

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Hau Kit Yong
Hau Kit Yong il 6 Giu 2019
Commentato: Gareth il 6 Giu 2019
Is there a simple way to rename a Drive Connector folder? I've tried everything bar uninstalling the Drive Connector or deleting the .MATLABDriveTag files.
  1 Commento
Gareth il 6 Giu 2019
Hi Hau Kit Yong,
Renaming the local MATLAB Drive folder can be achieved by:
1) Stopping MATLAB Drive Connector.
2) Rename the folder locally.
3) Restart MATLAB Drive Connector and note that a dialog will pop up prompting you that the MATLAB Drive folder cannot be found. Select "choose folder" and select the renamed folder. Now click "Ok".
Syncing should resume with the folder in the new location / with the new name.
Best wishes,

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